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قديم 12-22-2013, 01:11 AM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة night-visiter مشاهدة المشاركة

بالنسبة لعين الابن الاكبر

الكل سيمتلكها حتى كاكاشي والكيوبي :heee:

لا تعليق
كنت اعتقد ان ساسكي تخصص بتلك الصورة لكن يبدو انها ليست له فقط اي ليس هناك شئ مما ذكرنا

و لي عودة بإذن الله
( أَوَمَنْ يُنَشَّأُ فِي الْحِلْيَةِ وَهُوَ فِي الْخِصَامِ غَيْرُ مُبِينٍ )

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-23-2013, 01:53 AM
السلام عليكم

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sasuke-dono

صوره جديده من الانمي القادم في شهر 2 عن ماضي كاكاشي
وقد وضع تمثال صغير لساسكي وعيون ساسكي تحتوي على ^^
دقق بعيون ساسكي
الصوره اليوم من شونين

لا لا ما المقصد هيك
لا عيون الابن الاكبر ولا غيرها
طيب انتو بتعرفوا شخصيات هجو مالعاملقة التشيبي عيونهم مثل عين ساسكي
هو الظاهر صايرة اغلب شخصيات التشيبي عيونهم كدا
لا المقصود عيون ابن اكبر ولا غيره

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة sasuke-dono
المقرف في الوضع ان كيشي سينهي المانجا هذه السنه 2014 مهما كان الوضع متجاهلاامورا كثيره ومهمه
اولا لقد اوقع نفسه في معركة اوبيتو كجينشوريكي للجيوبي (نسخه تجريبيه) واظن ان ما اخذه من شابترات لانهائه كانت سخافه والان يحصرنافي كم هائل من الامور المثيره والمعقده اولاً
اعطائه لمادارا قوه هائله وبالتالي مش عارف كيف سيتخلص منه وهذا لا يقل عن 25 شابتر على اقل اقل تقدير
مع ان حرب اوبيتو اخذت اكثر من سنتين
الامر الاخر ما مصير ساسكي وناروتو والقتال الذي سيدور
من سيصبح هوكاجي
ما النظام الجديد الذي سيتخذه عالم الشينوبي
انتهاء الحرب والشفاء من اثارها
مصير البيجو
كل هذا محصور بسنه ولا ننسى تطور ساسكي وناروتو وا مصير الهوكاجيز
بالفعل انك يا كيشي مبدع

الكيشي دا باكا بامتياز :nop:
ما اعرف سو هدفه من كل تلك البلبة الي صارت
معقول كل تلك الاسرار بسنة رح تنكشف
على هذه الحالة كل تشابتر لازم يكون فيه كشف اسرار لحتى تخلص القصة معه :/
اتوقع في لعب بالموضوع
شو مقصد كيشي من انه لا يعلم لحد الان كيفية هزيمة مادرا -_-

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ذي قار
هناك اشياء كثير لكن لم تتضح بعد كنت اتوقع ان تكون نهاية المانجا في منتصف او اخر 2015 و مازلت اعتقد
ذلك كيشي ليس صداقًا بشكل تام و اعتقد ان غرضه الإثارة .
يب يب
اتفق معك مئة بالمئة
كيشي دا كذاب من الدرجة الاولى

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اتشرف بزيارتكم

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-23-2013, 06:49 PM
بما اني وعدتكم باني ساضع لكم المقابله فهي قصيره وتحتوي على افكار ساسكي وما جعله يقول بانه سيصبح هوكاجي
الشيء الاخر ان مادارا قوي جدا وكيشي يحاول ويفكر بهزيمته وبعض الامور التي تخص ساكورا وساسكي

اولاً هذه
Next was the turn of Nakamura Chie's drawing. As expected, it also depicted Sasuke's 'I'll become Hokage' declaration. As soon as she was done, Inoue-san started poking fun at her, saying 'Aren't Sasuke and Sakura together? As I thought, they're getting along, aren't they?'. Takeuchi-san replied with 'Indeed, indeed'. Sugiyama-san and Nakamura-san became flustered and denied it, and the audience was wrapped up in laughter again.

Since I'm super busy right now, I can't really search up more detailed information... so I'll just post a little summary of what I've read here and there (I see that some other things were already posted and translated in the previous pages, anyway ).

The guests at the Naruto panel were Kishimoto, Kenji Taira and all the seiyuu of Team 7. Like always, they joked around and Kishi answered a few questions... but I doubt that he said anything groundbreaking, since there was no real explosion from the fandom.

The tweet above refers to the part where all the seiyuu were asked to draw the 'scene from the ninja war that left the biggest impression on them'. Non-tan drew a refreshed Sasuke shouting that he'd become Hokage. Nakamura drew Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura - with Sasuke wearing a band (like those worn by election candidates) with 'I'll become Hokage' written on it. Inoue-san drew a strange thing with Kakashi and some potatoes (don't ask, I'm not too sure XD). Takeuchi-san drew a very crowded picture with lots of characters, and was thus praised by both Kishi and Kenji Taira.

Kishimoto and Kenji Taira talked a little bit about how to draw their main characters... with Kishi saying that Naruto is made up mainly of straight lines, and Kenji Taira talking about Lee's round eyes. The seiyuu mimed their characters' moves while shouting their names. There was a lot of talk of Kakashi's upcoming 'solo' special, and Inoue-san said that he'd do his best. Kishi also repeated that he'd do his best for the rest of the story.

As for the questions, one guy asked Kishi how Naruto could possibly best Madara - and Kishi answered that Madara is simply too strong, but that Naruto is the main character, and if he doesn't beat him the story can't proceed... so he has to beat him, but he still hasn't decided how he's going to do it. Then another guy asked him why there is no mascot character in Naruto, and Kishi answered that originally he'd thought of making Akamaru the mascot. I don't know if he was asked anything else... I saw some Sasuke fans talking about Sasuke's 'I will become Hokage' decision being planned for some time, but I've yet to find a source (like I said, no time to search right now XD).

Anyway, here's a nice picture of the four seiyuu together!

افكار ساسكي ستكشف مستقبلا وما جعله يقول ساصبح هوكاجي
وقوة مادارا والتفكير في هزيمته

Anyway, here's some clarification on a couple of things Kishi said in this Jump Festa:

1) After Non-san and Chie-san chose Sasuke's 'I will become Hokage' declaration as their 'most impactful scene from the Ninja War', someone asked Kishimoto whether that episode was something he'd had in mind for a long time.

Kishi answered with 'I had been thinking of it, but I still hadn't decided how I'd get him to actually say it'. Apparently, the astonished reaction he got from the readers was planned, and in the future he'll explain why he said that, drawing out his state of mind with great attention.

2) Since some people were wondering whether Kishi mentioned only Naruto or all his group in the Madara question... apparently neither, he talked in the passive form the entire time.


"Can Madara really be defeated?"
"I made him too strong... so I myself still haven't decided how he could be defeated either."

بالنسبه لانتهاء المانجا
now i saw more elaborated reports.

appearently kishs words about ending the manga next year were like 'im not sure if there will be a naruto stage in jump festa next year".

I don't want to get into the discussion about how many chapters might be left in the manga, but... I would like to point out that Bleach is still running, yet hasn't had a stage at Jump Festa for what?

Three years straight?
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-23-2013, 06:50 PM
اظن اني وفيت بوعدي ونزل عني الحمل
بالتوفيق لكم
في امان الله
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-23-2013, 09:14 PM
هذه المقابله كامله

here I gather credible information together
Mainly from the blog of a Naruto fan (in red) http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/konohanogenin/37592315.html and
from the twitter of a kish fanatic (in Green). Both are not new to jp Naruto fans on the net.
All paraphrased by me.

-Jump fest 2014-
On Naruto super stage were
Masashi Kishimoto, Kenji Taira(the author of rock lee)
Junko Takeuchi(the voice actor for Naruto) Noriaki Sugiyama(Sasuke) Kazuhiko Inoue(Kakashi), Chie Nakamura(Sakura)
+Nogizaka46 (the girls group that sing the current op for the anime)

1. Live Atereko, VAs voice-over performance synching to the manga panels + BGM and sfx
Scene 1. The convo among Naruto Sasuke and Sakura on the reunion of team 7
Scene 2. The convo between Kakashi and Obito (with mr. Takagi's pre-recorded voice)in the Kamui space
Scene 3. 10bito vs Naruto

The show started with the voice actors voice-over performance over the manga panels and then Kishi appeared through fog(=dry ice?)
Kishimoto's appearance http://twitpic.com/dpfof9 (replicated by the kish fanatic)
Apparently Kishi said he wasn't sure if he'd be there next year then.

2. the ninja world war section
Each voice actor brought their drawing of the scene of NWW4 that impressed them the most and Kishi gave his opinion on it.
The VAs said to Kishi "drawing pics to us is like voice acting to you, you know! Why don't you have a go at voice acting next year, Kishimoto-sensei?" which Kish refused strongly "quit! quit! I wont come here if I have to do voice acting!"

Mr Sugiyama's picture was like this. http://twitpic.com/dpfrr7 (replicated by the kish fanatic).
on which Kishi commented "well you know...this is barefooted and has no neck. Still its peculiarly good. Do you make a pre-sketch?"
Mr Sugimoto "I just draw many (freehand, without making a rough sketch) spending 30~40mins" Kishi "if you pencil a rough sketch beforehand, you can make your drawing even better tho. Nevertheless this is well drawn."

Ms Nakamura's picture was kinda like http://t.co/9ZmovT5qMR
(replicated by the kish fanatic. The fanatic says his memory is too vague about this one.) the sash on sasuke says'Ill be Hokage"
Kishi explained the scene "naturally those around him like Kiba, Sakura etc should be like 'WTF is he talking about?' while Sasuke is all serious in stating that. Anyways, the pic is good. We can tell the charas(/can see the characteristics of them) in it."

whats behind sasukes words will be told later.

Mr Inoue's picture was like http://t.co/UaHruyUyOe (replicatedby the kish fanatic).
Kishi "it was an episode I had in mind from the very beginning (of the manga) I enjoyed writhing it. The Kakashi anecdote (aka BL on a battlefield) holds a lot of memories"

Ms Takeuchi's was a piece of kirie (=paper cut-out) of the new 3sukumi http://t.co/c2cliahNEY (replicated by the kish fanatic).
It was such an elaborated work that it caused a stir among the audience.
Being too curious, Kishi pinched an end and lifted it and Ms Takeuchi was worried he might break it.
Kishimoto "amazing. Thank you for the time and effort." Takeuchi "as I cant draw strikingly like you do, Kishimoto-sensei. Tell me how to make a drawing striking?"
Kishi "as a rule, add special effects lines to it and the drawing looks striking."
VAs "Taira-sensei is who added quite a lot of them" Taira "that's so" Kishi "I haven't ever added SFX lines (to my manga)"

3. Mascot (/cute little)-chara discussion.
Kishimoto "at first I aimed Akamaru for that but to no avail. so I made Akamaru big. Next I brought out Gamakichi but some said Yikes to the little frog. so I made him big.
Once I slyly showed 9bs cute Naruto fox ...to get no response. also ive drawn that pre frog...what's the name(its tadpole♪)...thing sneaky on Naruto's shoulder on the cover (of a chap/a wsj issue) and again it didn't get any response.

4. Kishi and Taira drawing live. http://t.co/Y09B3daS1f

Kishi "basically Naruto's almost (composed of) all straight lines, with only about 9 curves"
When Mr Taira started to draw, Kishi eager to see it and the camera man filming taira's hands jostled against each other to get closer to Taira. Then Kishi gave up and went behind the cameraman.
The voice actors praised the round rock lees Taira drew for being ‘thick yet cute' Taira "I think curved lines are cuter" Takeuchi "did you hear that?" Kishi "Ill remember it for my future mascot chara."

5. info
-The making of the new Naruto movie is going nice and smooth.
-Kish on the new chara for the game, the mech-naruto.
"I was asked to make a character and got stuck. I'm a fan of Godzilla and I like mech-Godzilla, so..."

6. Nogizaka49 entered and performed the OP of shippuden

-A question form some 'I' person "can Madara be defeated at all?"
Kishimoto "I did make Madara too strong, actually. Still he has to get defeated or the story wouldn't move on. So, i think he should be defeated but I'm yet to figure out how. I'm going to think about it with my editor."

7. messages from Kishimoto sensei and Taira sensei
Taira on Kishi "My adoration for Naruto made me join Shueisha"
"Actually, that (taira's reason) was for Jojo." Kishi added
Kishimoto "Naruto(the manga) has reached to the stage to move towards resolution. it's drawing closer to the end. I will try to make the windup well convincing to everyone. please read WSJ every week"
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