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قديم 08-27-2013, 07:12 PM
برنامج Corel AfterShot Pro للتعديل على الصور باحترافية وعمل التصميمات الرهيبة

Corel AfterShot Pro

برنامج عملاق و ممتاز في التحكم بالصور و الجمع بين إدارة الصور و التسويات ، يعطلك الإمكانيات لعمل صورة متقدمة و ممتازة و لتنظيم الصور في مجلدات حسب إختيارك.
بالإضافة إلى ذلك فإن هداَ البرنامج الرائع يساعدك في العثور على الصور بسرعة لإحتوائه على الأدوات اللازمة مما يتيح لك التعديل و التلاعب بالصور بكل احترافيه و سهولة

Corel® AfterShot™ Pro is a fast, flexible photo workflow solution that combines robust photo management, advanced non-destructive adjustments and complete RAW processing. Organize your photos in catalogs or folders. Find images quickly with extensive ****data tools that let you search by camera settings, keywords, tags and more. Experiment with and alter images freely with non-destructive adjustment tools and apply enhancements precisely with selective editing. Easily output your work for albums, web sites or client review. With RAW support, powerful batch processing and incredible speed, AfterShot Pro is the fast way to professional photos.

RAW power

Make the most of the extra detail and data in your RAW images with ultra-fast RAW processing and incredibly color-accurate images.

Flexible photo management

Create a digital photography workflow that works for you with robust photo management, flexible organization options and powerful search tools.

Non-destructive adjustments

Correct and enhance photos with a wide range of non-destructive editing tools—while ensuring your originals are always protected.

High-speed output

Quickly generate output for albums, web sites or client review using Batch Output options and a variety of standard and customizable template layouts.

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