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قديم 10-26-2013, 05:37 PM
جميع برامج الأوفيس 2013 فى إيزو واحد Microsoft Office AIO 2013 Professional Plus v3

Microsoft Office AIO 2013 Professional Plus v3


Name: Office 2013 Proffesional Plus AIO V3.0
Architecture: 32 Bit & 64 Bit
Category: TEU
Language: Multy lang
Weight: 2.67 GB


Microsoft Office 2013 (también llamada OFICO 2013 and it codename Office 15) are one productivity suite for Microsoft Windows, and it successor of Microsoft Office 2010.

Office 2013 will be available as part of Windows RT for ARM processors and separate them for versions of Windows 32 platforms and 64-bit (x86 and x64). This edition ya cuenta with the traditional interface Ribbon UI like al sus predecessors, and is known for presenting the image of the simple interface Modern UI (formerly Metro UI). This version of Office it stands out as the primer designed specifically for touch devices.

Content DE LA ISO

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 ...32 Bit
Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 ...64 Bit
Microsoft Project Professional 2013 ...32 Bit
Microsoft Project Professional 2013 ...64 Bit
Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 ...32 Bit
Microsoft Visio Professional 2013 ...64 Bit
Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.1 ...Activator


Processor: 1 GHz x86/x64 or Greater Processor with SSE2 instruction set
Memory: 1 GB RAM (32-bit) / 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Hard disk: 2.0 GB available
Operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008R2 or Windows Server 2012 with. NET 3.5 or Greater
Graphics: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX10 graphics card Minimum 1024 x 576 resolution
Other: Microsoft Office 365 account and tenant required for Visio Pro for Office 365 Preview
Touch features require touch enabled Windows 7 or Windows 8 PC
Certain functionality-in Internet Connectivity


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