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قديم 11-10-2013, 11:39 PM
تحكم فى سطوع صورك وتغميقها وإضافة مؤثرات خيالية مع العملاق Urban Lightscape 1.3.2

Urban Lightscape 1.3.2

مصمم وعارض الصور العملاق . تستطيع من خلاله التحكم فى سطوع الصوره وتفتحيها حسب مزاجك
كما يمكنك اضافة العديد من المؤثرات الخياليه على الصور

Indii.org is pleased to announce the release of its second photographic application and plugin: Urban Lightscape. Use Urban Lightscape to correct exposure, make localised brightness adjustments, dodge and burn, and introduce artificial lighting to a scene.

Urban Lightscape delivers sophisticated image-processing via a natural user interface. A simple “double-click-and-drag” paradigm is used to place control points on a photo, and clever edge detection localises and interpolates your lightness adjustments around and between these points. Results are rapid, without compromising on the extra controls needed to achieve subtle refinements.

Use Urban Lightscape…

…for those subjects that deserve better exposure than you got in-camera
Use Urban Lightscape to correct under- and overexposed parts of an image. By placing control points with a simple "double-click-and-drag" interface, you can quickly balance the exposure of an image to soften harsh shadows, fix overexposed skies, lighten backlit foregrounds and achieve a HDR toning-like effect.

…to rediscover hidden detail obscured by harsh shadows or glaring lights
Use Urban Lightscape to dodge (lighten) and burn (darken) local patches of a photo to highlight and suppress details, directing the viewers eye as you intend. Clever edge detection enables local adjustments without tedious selections or paintbrush tools.

…to add light in post-production that you didn’t have on set
Use Urban Lightscape to cast artificial lighting into a photo for a stellar effect. Clever interpolation will flood local control point adjustments throughout an image.

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