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قديم 11-11-2013, 10:34 PM
برنامج Photo Collage Max للتعديل على الصور وعمل الإطارات والمؤثرات

Photo Collage Max

برنامج Photo Collage Max هو برنامج رائع للتعديل وتنظيم

صورك فهو يمكنك من اضافة صورك في اطارات ووضع تأثيرات رائعة عليها ويمكنك
ايضا من تعديل اضاءة الصور وعمل البومات عائلية لصورك وتنظيمها بشكل رائع

Comes with a wide range of templates, backgrounds, frames, etc., Photo Collage Max offers an easy way to design marvelous photo collages, cards, scrapbooks, calendars for birthday, wedding, anniversary, holidays and any other special moment in life.

Arrange your photos to be a collage easily and creatively
- Select a template from dozens of examples or just use a blank page to start your collage making project.
- Drag or drop your favorite photos into this page. Embellish them with frames, masks, cliparts and backgrounds as you wish.
- Resize or reposition any layer to anywhere you want in this project, to make it to be the perfect and unique layout.

Finely designed templates for all kinds of occasions
- A wide range of templates for birthday, wedding, holidays and other special days in life are all gathered in.
- Apply Photo Wall to display your unique looks or for formal use such as building Contact Sheet.
- Templates for creating precious greeting cards are also available and easy to handle for customization.
- Calendar templates are provided as well to assist you to make unique calendars.

Built-in backgrounds, frames, cliparts make your collages the most unique ones
- Apply or change background of a collage project with built-in patterns or your own pictures.
- Drop shadow for your photo, or decorate it with plenty of lovely frames and masks.
- A large array of clipart images which match any occasion are given to make your collages more special.
- You can also add a shape into your photo collage.

Easily manage collages, photos, layers, shadows, size or position, personalize your works
- Change the size or orientation of your collages for different purposes, such as email or print.
- Crop, rotate, move or zoom your photos.
- Change the color, shape, opacity of the shadow.
- Drag a layer to anywhere you want in a collage project.
- Add text and you can choose text font, font size, color, graphics, background color and so on.

Save your collage, print it or share it with family and friends
- Save your collage as a picture in one of these formats, .jpg, .png, .tif, .gif, .bmp.
- Set your finished collage work as the wallpaper for your computer.
- With the help of Print Preview settings, directly print your collage in perfection.
- Email your collages to family and friends, share them on Facebook, MySpace or blog.

OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
Language: English

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