عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 07-06-2014, 05:27 AM

كم كنت غبية عندما تركتك ترحل يا ليتني لم اسمع كلام عقلي واستمعت ل كلام قلبي !!
dark sama, No 1 and DϊnDอn like this.
قديم 07-06-2014, 06:02 AM
No 1, DϊnDอn and dark sama like this.
قديم 07-06-2014, 06:16 AM
اشتاق إليهـ كثيرآ
dark sama, No 1 and DϊnDอn like this.
قديم 07-06-2014, 10:35 PM

I am done, smoking gun

We've lost it all, the love is gone

She has won. Now it's no fun

We've lost it all, the love is gone

And we had magic

And this is tragic

You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected

And somehow you left me neglected

We found our life's been changed

Babe, you lost me

And we tried, oh how we cried

We lost ourselves, the love has died

And oh, we tried, you can't deny

We're left as shells, we lost the fight

And we had magic

And this is tragic

You couldn't keep your hands to yourself

I feel like our world's been infected

And somehow you left me neglected

We found our life's been changed

Babe, you lost me

Now I know you're sorry and we were sweet

But you chose lust when you deceived me

You'll regret it but it's too late

How can I ever trust you again?

I feel like our world's been infected

And somehow you left me neglected

We found our life's been changed

Babe, you lost me

dark sama, No 1 and DϊnDอn like this.
قديم 07-06-2014, 10:46 PM

Right from the start

You were a thief

You stole my heart

And I your willing victim

I let you see the parts of me

That weren't all that pretty

And with every touch you fixed them

Now you've been talking in your sleep oh oh

Things you never say to me oh oh

Tell me that you've had enough

Of our love, our love

Just give me a reason

Just a little bit's enough

Just a second we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

It's in the stars

It's been written in the scars on our hearts

That we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

I'm sorry I don't understand

Where all of this is coming from

I thought that we were fine

(Oh we had everything)

Your head is running wild again

My dear we still have everythin'

And it's all in your mind

(Yeah but this is happenin')

You've been havin' real bad dreams oh oh

You used to lie so close to me oh oh

There's nothing more than empty sheets

Between our love, our love

Oh our love, our love

Just give me a reason

Just a little bit's enough

Just a second we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

I never stopped

You're still written in the scars on my heart

You're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

Oh tear ducts and rust

I'll fix it for us

We're collecting dust

But our love's enough

You're holding it in

You're pouring a drink

No nothing is as bad as it seems

We'll come clean

Just give me a reason

Just a little bit's enough

Just a second we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

It's in the stars

It's been written in the scars on our hearts

That we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

Just give me a reason

Just a little bit's enough

Just a second we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

It's in the stars

It's been written in the scars on our hearts

That we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

Oh we can learn to love again

Oh we can learn to love again oh oh

That we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

No 1, DϊnDอn and dark sama like this.

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S i l v e r ; إنعِكاس مُضيء . ѕιlνεr مدونات الأعضاء 2538 01-09-2024 11:08 PM
..♡ ♡ ودقت الساعة ♡ الثانية عشرة ♡ ♡ .. آدِيت~EDITH قسم أخبار و أحوال الأعضاء و نشاطاتهم 294 09-18-2015 01:35 PM
إبداع شخصي: تنـآسيت صمت عـآلمي وأيقنـت وتـأكدت بأننـي ← آستثنــــآء ♥ ! أزهار الساكورا مدونات الأعضاء 829 07-17-2015 04:28 AM
ツ ♡^_^♡مُــدَونَتِيِ كَلِمَــاتٌ اْاسْمَــعُهَا تْحْتَــاجُ لِــمَنْ يَـفْــسِرُهَااツ ♡^_^♡ kyonko مدونات الأعضاء 3 08-14-2012 02:23 AM

الساعة الآن 09:00 AM.

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