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قديم 02-09-2014, 01:19 PM
## ّ ~

رضيع منزل الجارة
كانت لي جارة ذات شعر اشعث وعيون غائرة , الهالات السوداء طغت على وجهها
ارملة وحيدة وبائسة بين جدران الحياة الطويلة
لها مهد مكسور مغبر يهتز ليصدر صريراً تقشعر له الابدان هلعاً
وظهرها مقوس فلا تميز لها ملامح معينة ، ولها صوت اجش يقشعر له البدن من صلابته
من يراها يظن بأنها شبح قد سكن ثنايا منازل الاموات !
زرتها يوماً لأطمئن على احوالها , واستمع على اخبارها
وقفت على عتبة باب منزلها ، وإذا بلفحة صقيع قد هبت ويبست عظامي
دلفت اليه وإذا به بارد , مظلم ومتصدع الجدران
اجلستني على اريكتها المتهاوية والتي حال الدهر عليها من تراكم الغبار في ارجائها وارجاء المنزل كافة
الستائر كانت متشققة وتكاد تسقط وما حولها كان محطماً تماماً من الاثاث
صدى صوت بكاء رضيعها فجأة ودوى المه بين ثنايا هذه الشقوق
تركتني لحظة فانتابني الفضول لأرى الطفل المزعوم هذا ، فاتجهت الى المهد الذي يهتز وحيداً وسط الفراغ
وحينها كانت صدمتي ....... كان المهد خالياً !

بقلمي : Arlette

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2014, 01:21 PM
## ّ ~

My Seven Deadly Sins

I used to have an army
Full of monsters with friendly faces
And I let them join out the war
till no humanity left in their hearts
I knew I've let them drown in that holes
And now .. they are so blind and they cannot come back to see
They would never break the word of mine
But now they are all under the sea
Can I get what I have lost before ?
Don’t you ever Preach me cause this is no longer my heart
Don't you try to save me cause it's all what I want
Throw it all behind .. that was the battle of mine
Deceiving them and break them down ... that was my whole time
I used to have a lot of friends … all humans
They had a really short life
So they all died when the sun raised
So standing here all by my own
And hope to burn all of my soul
The beast inside me is awake again
Holding my letter I would never be sin
I used to know him by his beats
But now I can't even stand his heat
I'm the one who used to Spread fear
And crush all of their dreams
Holding my sword in my hand
Trying to heal all of my bad
I was angry with my friend
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow
I kept all the rage inside
And I fed it with grudge both day and night
Until it born an angel bright
Inside my poisoned garden I left her caged
And my foe beheld it shine.
And he knew that it was mine,
And into my garden stole
When the night had veiled the pole
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree
But my angel with smile she ran
Behind the walls she left me rot
With my tears I watered the field
And with soft deceitful wiles
I've broke out the hook
To vanish this earth I have oath
And with scream I did wrote
To my greed to do throw
Him that soweth discord among brethren
And to my envy I have told
To seal A deceitful witness that Utterance lies
With lust to bring all the deaths out the facts
And to my pride I sold
A heart that devises wicked plots
And to sloth I did got
curse that are swift to run into mischief
and to gluttony I had fold
a Spring blood I wanted to see
and a lot of corpses I had to feed
but when the moon hid among the clouds
mist of my eyes has already gone
and to see what my hand has done
I cried beyond my wound to dust
A monster I have became
After a hero began to glare
And now all the graves all singing down
To put all the sins on my blame to bow
To the darkness I have walked
Between the caves I have shocked
Now I'm the one they want
I'm the prey and they're the haunter day
A shame on my face has shown
To eternity It will grows
And …
As the guilt was wiped away
My sword has already rust in the faint
and the seven deadly sins of mine I have made
but it's all was the same hypocrisy I said

بقلمي : Arlette
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2014, 02:18 PM

## ّ ~

Once More

Things are fun .. are so loud
Kept inside the box of my dreams
The world shines .. but with no glass
I've drown in that sea … again
I think I'll drop it all away
But sometimes I wish that I didn't chose to leave
But once again I have chose to leave
I believe there is a truth should stay buried
I won't let this chaos fall
I'll hold it deep inside
But the hypocrisy is crashing my box and the lies haunting my life
Once more I failed , once more I have died
That statue won't stop cry blood
Does the snow has to go ?
I miss the white and my sanity is a game
Sometimes we have to stand alone against our demons
The dying whispers are floating back Inside that forest of black
So quiet … so foggy … it is the forest of mystery
Hiding the corpses again
Once more the killer in me is awake again
Once more my hands shed innocence blood
Once more I've tear them apart
And wrote the prophecy at walls … with their blood
I let him out … out side the walls
Out side the gates of hell
Satan is alive once more
My heart does not beat anymore
I've dreamed of a night so bright
Would God forgive me what I've done ?
There is no saints any more
Once more I've opened the door
So the secrets must be known
Dream maker you're such a heart breaker
You've started that war
Cupid can't find his arrow
Aquarius will drown
So that Aphrodite and Hades will never meet again
Under that star they promised , their love will last for good
But no .. each one lost the road
In the mist they're walking alone
To find their way back home
I've walked this earth for so long
So I lost the count of years
Aphrodite once more you've met your darkest love , Hades
Once more heaven smiled for the sake of them
And once more a kiss has removed the fog
There in the river of pure love story
Now once and for all my soul will rest
Underworld the death eternity is there
Please be gentle my fear
Soul reaper please be merciful
Cause pain causes faint
The sinner blood is in my veins
Come on hell open your gates
Welcome the soul of mine
With black … with fire
And here my opportunity has gone
Immortality in hell I'm here
They closed the door again
Once more in coma I have fell
In this coffin of guilt
It's pale it's cold
And once more the haunted doll is missing
Once more I'm a Ghost
Living in the cracks of dead house
Once more I'm the golden star
بقلمي : Arlette
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2014, 02:21 PM

## ّ ~

Shall I Bring You Despair?

And so it has come to this.

The great hero stands poised,

Sword pointed at the demon king.

It is the stuff of legends is it not?

Yet, my objective is already complete.

For I am not a simple nightmare drawn from your feeble fairy tales.

Think about it, if indeed you can:

Today you'll kill me,

And raise my head before a baying crowd.
You'll show your acquisition proudly
And the people will welcome you.

In the first weeks,

There will be feasts and festivals.

Dancing and debauchery.

All to celebrate the hero's victory.

And then?

Then you'll become a king,

And eventually an emperor.

You will rule all the lands with fairness and equality.

A god amongst kings!

Yet something disturbs you...

Day by day you see the politics of the nobility.

You see them vying for power; to grow their wealth.

You see the peasants and the poor still walking the streets.

And you begin to doubt yourself.

No, it can't be!

You'll scream at the mirror as you make for the chapels.

Yet even here you see the halls bedecked with gold -

Priests wearing the finest of robes

And wealth aplenty, coming from the poor box...

Strange - the laughter of the children is no different,

Yet the people behave as though they've gone mad.

Have they forgotten what it was like just few short years ago?

Of course they have...

The seeds of chaos which I once drew toward me,

Have shattered and flown back to the humans from which they came.

The bandits, the tyrants, the crime lords and the rogues.

Once they fought under my banner,

but now they flood your cities.

Once I held absolute control over them,

But now they are driven by their instincts.

Yet they are not devilish like my children;

They are not clothed in the skin of horrors and fear.

They are human and so you'll welcome them,

As the seeds of chaos sprout and bloom within each and every one of you.

Poor little boy...

Even with a beard as white as snow;

You'll weep...

You'll curse the heavens and hide your tears in the rain;

Where I will drink them, as I watch your despair.

For even if you attempt to fight it, even if you so vehemently deny it.

Nature itself will see it occur.

...So go ahead then,

Slay me.


Plunge your blade into my chest and rip the life from my body!

But know that in doing so,

You will become me...

For the absolute truth, is inescapable:

I was never your demon...

I was always your protector

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-09-2014, 02:22 PM

## ّ ~

The Truth Of Humanity
اغنية قمت بتأليفها من فترة

● ● ●

I know the truth of humanity }

Deceiving..Betraying..Stealing and Breaking

Crashing the souls and Leavin a Hole

{ a Hole that cannot be healed

We are a monsters hide in a skin }

Skin of human is very thirst

Thirsting for blood and selfish desires

{ And we have a diseases float in our air

Smiling like devil when somebody hurt }

Killing the victim of our deadly war

We have the evil that resting in us

{ The sea of the darkness is controlling us


We are a monsters hide in a skin }

Skin of human is very thirst

Thirsting for blood and selfish desires

{And we have a diseases float in our air

Don’t try to stop me }

I found my way out

From this nightmare that caged me inside

I really know what we really are

We are Demons that living in fear

Feeding on the sins that they made it up

{Stealing the life in front of our eyes

We are a monsters hide in a skin }

Skin of human is very thirst

Thirsting for blood and selfish desires

{ And we have a diseases float in our air


رد مع اقتباس
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