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قديم 02-11-2015, 01:49 PM

In the end , the real you got lost in darkness
And now , nothing can save you
you are lost forever

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-11-2015, 01:51 PM

turn on the lights as I’m walking by
turn of the sounds cause no one is hearing you out
stand still on your ground
don't drop those tears around
you can't find your footsteps signs
you've lost as I’m gone from this life
don't let these crawling snakes tearing you down
reach my hand I'm passing out
why can't you hear the rain speaking out loud
can you believe that I'm so blind
don't listen to them , don't hear their saints
oh no , no don’t follow the steps they take
there is no saints and there is no warmth
stay away from everyone else
Shelter your heart and I will find you wherever you are
don't let the whispers taking you to war
If I could stop you where you died !
Paralyzed that how I can survive
Fooling myself and hoping for healing right
don't listen , oh no don’t hear their whine
it attract you so down blew
won't you feel the earth calling you out
slowly demising on this fake dawn
hide this thoughts , you are so perfect now
we could not avoid this sacrifice
my sweet anger , I’m your home now
still want to reach my heart ?
wanted to rise these flags on the night
I sense the snow forsaken my pride
tomb of my lost child’s is buried in my eyes
if i could wash away your pain , i would be a rain
if I could hold you one more time , you will remain here in my arms
but you're not mine , no you're not mine
the game that had fallen down , the road that lost in front of my eyes
if i could manage the story , i will say I’m sorry
I send the vultures away , closed my heart on face of the light
it reigns , this burning regret !
it's growing , this tranquility side !
my virtue is a vice , my foot Slithers on the exit door
this subtle elegy , loomed at my renewal road
my repentance , my mischievous foe !
take this retribution and cure my sins to full
why do you frown ? wayfarers of mine
so wary so deaf so blind
don't hear the words of mine
it prospers a dreadful yell !
but you're not even Oblivious , such a Tyrant like you my love
a scourge from above !
obsequiousness , my sweet redemption
you're such a creature of sublime , I will suppress you till you die
don’t scuff this nightmare of mine , I’m already here in my rhyme
hymn to me you my purify !
I’m craving .. for my lullaby
you ban anathema , you hazard decline
I will break out of you , and i will hold you
tell you and I .. Die

خربشة قديمة "$
غضوا الطرف عن الأخطاء النحوية

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-11-2015, 01:54 PM

? And how do you see pain
? Feel rage
You're not like me .. I can't speak my heart out

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-11-2015, 01:57 PM

×.× OMG
.. I - I just can't

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 02-11-2015, 02:01 PM

^ وجهي إذا كلمتني وحدة ما احبها

رد مع اقتباس
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