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قديم 11-23-2013, 06:17 PM
Blue-Cloner 4.60 Build 616

Blue-Cloner 4.60 Build 616 | 12.1 MB

Blue-Cloner 4 is one-click Blu-ray copy/backup software to copy Blu-ray movies to BD-R/RE(s) or to the hard disk as a Blu-ray folder or an ISO file. With the brand-new interfaces, Blu-ray copy becomes much easier than before. It is an ideal backup tool to protect your original Blu-ray discs from being scratched or damaged, with no need to buy the same Blu-ray disc.

Blue-Cloner 4 enables you to make perfect 1:1 Blu-ray copy, movie complete copy, movie-only copy, split copy and customized copy. Multiple CPUs and the NVIDIA CUDA technology are supported to largely increase the copy speed. Besides, it can make various customized settings, such as the selection of the audio track and subtitle, the conversion of the HD audio, and many others. With the optimized reading speed and wizard interfaces, Blu-ray copy will be finished just after a cup of coffee.


Perfect 1:1 Blu-ray copy
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