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قديم 11-24-2013, 10:11 PM
برنامج Right Click Enhancer 4.1.3 لتخصيص زر الفأرة الأيمن ووضع قائمة بأهم أولوياتك

برنامج Right Click Enhancer 4.1.3 لتخصيص زر الفأره الأيمن ووضع قائمة بأهم أولوياتك + نسخة بورتابل

Right Click Enhancer 4.1.3

هو برنامج خفيف لتخصيص زر الماوس الايمن لوضع كافة الخيارات التى ترغب بظهورها وحذف القوائم التى لا تريد ظهورها عند الضغط على كليك يمين، يُمكنك البرنامج من تخصيص ووضع قائمة بأهم اولوياتك، برامج، اختصارات، مهام، فولدر معين وأى شىء اخر ترغب به البرنامج مفيد إذا كنت تبحث عن أداة لتولي السيطرة على زر الماوس الأيمن.

Right Click Enhancer gives you power to control the ultimate right click menu everyone use every day.Right Click Enhancer allows yo to edit your right click menu in the way you want. Now with help of this wonderful tool you can add some good stuffs to your right click context menu.

Right Click Tweaker
As name tells this part of a Right Click Enhancer does some tweaks stuff. All of this tweaks are very useful for everyday work. It makes your life easier. All of the tweaks are listed below with there functionality.

(1) Copy To Folder & Move To Folder :- When you choose one of the options from the menu, you browse to any place on your hard disk to copy or move the file to that folder. You doesn´t have to navigate to the place where you want to paste your file.
(2) Create or Print File List :- Allows you to print or create file list of a folder by right clicking on folder and selecting one of the option.
(3) Encrypt & Decrypt :- Allows you to encrypt and decrypt your files and folders. Files encrypted can´t be operable by another user on the PC.
(4) Open In Notepad :- Allows user to open any file in notepad by just right clicking it.
(5) Open file location :- Allows user to open the file location by right clicking its shortcut.
(6) Administrator Command Prompt :- Allows user to open an elevated command prompt with highest privileges from any folder by right clicking it.
(7) God Mode & System Configuration Utility (Vista or 7) :- Add the options to open System Configuration Utility(msconfig) and famous god mod from user´s right click menu.
(8)Problem Step Recorder (Windows 7) :- Problem Step Recorder is a hidden feature of the Windows 7.This tool bring this to your right click menu.

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قديم 11-25-2013, 11:01 AM
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