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قديم 11-26-2013, 03:18 AM
تحميل Microsoft Office ProPlus 2013 (x86 x64) 2013

اللغة الانجليزية وبتحديت 2013
Microsoft Office ProPlus 2013 VL (x86 x64) en-US Oct2013 | 2.68 Gb

Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013 VL Channel
Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 8
Developer: Microsoft
Version : 2013
License : Paid
Year : 2013.
Architecture : x86 & x64

Microsoft Office 2013 is a suite of productivity applications designed to help you improve the way you work.

What's new in Office 2013?

Microsoft Office 2013 is by no means a revolutionary update to the venerable office suite but this is the first version of Microsoft Office that has good cloud integration and a touch-friendly interface.

Save to disk or mauntnete and install.
use Microsoft.Toolkit.2.4.9.Official
For now, the actuator does not support activation for Windows 8.1

Tested on Windows 8 x64 and running.


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تحميل مايكروسوفت اوفيس Microsoft Office 2013 Proffesional Plus 15.0.4420 Van Bersy أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 11-19-2012 01:21 AM

الساعة الآن 12:27 AM.

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