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قديم 11-29-2013, 04:00 PM
كولكشن برامج لازالة برامج الانتى فيرس من جذورها AV Uninstall Tools Pack 2013

AV Uninstall Tools Pack 2013

كولكشن برامج لازالة برامج الانتى فيرس من جذورها

The package

ArcaVir Removal Tool v2012.0.0.20 (ArcaBit)
ArcaVir Removal Tool (x64) v2012.0.0.19 (ArcaBit)
avast! Antivirus Removal Tool v8.0.1489.300 (AVAST Software as)
AVG IDP Uninstaller v3.5 (AVG Technologies CZ, sro)
AVG Remover tools (AVG Technologies CZ, sro)
Avira RegistryCleaner v13.0.0.1 (Avira GmbH.)
AVS Uninstall Cleaner v1.0.1.5 (Online Media Technologies Ltd.)
BitDefender Uninstall Tools (BitDefender SRL)
BullGuard Uninstaller v2.15 (BullGuard Ltd.)
CA 2007/2008 uninstall Utility (CA)
Comodo Products Uninstaller Tool v0.3b (Comodo Forum, scripts by Jacob and Ragwing)
Dr.Web Remover v2.0.4.9260 (Doctor Web, Ltd.)
Dr.Web Remover v2.0.0.6070 (Doctor Web, Ltd.)
Emsisoft Clean v1.2.0.57 (Emsi Software GmbH.)
eScan password reset tool v1.0.0.1 (MicroWorld Technologies Inc.)
eScan Removal Tool v1.0.0.26 (MicroWorld Technologies Inc.)
ESET Uninstaller v6.0.3.0 (ESET)
F-PROT Version 3.x Remover v1.0.0.475 (FRISK Software International)
F-PROT Version 6.x Remover v1.0.5.1 (FRISK Software International)
F-Secure Uninstallation Tool v3.0.2570 (F-Secure Corporation)
G Data AntiVirus Cleaner v1.9.0.1 (G Data Software AG)
K7 Security Product Removal Tool v1.0.43 (K7 Computing Pvt. Ltd.)
Kaspersky password reset tools (Kaspersky Lab ZAO)
Kaspersky Removal Tool v1.0.521 (Kaspersky Lab ZAO)
Max AntiVirus Uninstaller v1.0.0.1 (MaxSecure Software)
Max SpywareDetector Uninstaller v1.0.0.1 (MaxSecure Software)
MBAM Cleanup Utility v1.60.2.3 (Malwarebytes Corporation)
****ee Software Removal v6.5.101 (****ee, Inc.)
****ee Clean Up Tool for Win98/Me (****ee, Inc.)
****ee Total Protection Uninstaller v5.2.3.104 (****ee, Inc.)
Microsoft Security Essentials 1.0 Uninstaller v2.1.3.16 (Microsoft Corporation)
Microsoft Security Essentials 2 Uninstaller v2.1.3.4 (Microsoft Corporation)
Norman Removal Tool v1.2.10.2 (Norman ASA)
nProtect Security Platform 2007 Remover v2.0.78.0 (INCAInternet Co., Ltd)
Outpost Clean v8.10.4303 (Agnitum Ltd.)
Panda AdminSecure Uninstaller v3.6 (Panda Security, SL)
Panda Cloud AV Uninstaller v1.7.29.0 (Panda Security, SL)
2007 Panda Uninstaller v1.5.0 Rev 1 (Panda Security, SL)
Panda Uninstaller v1.7.23.0 (Panda Security, SL)
PC Tools ThreatFire Removal v3.7.9.13 (PC Tools)
Prevx v1 and v2 Removal Tool (Prevx Ltd)
Prevx v3.0 Removal Tool (Prevx Ltd)
QuickHeal Removal Tools (Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd.)
QuickHeal Admin Console Removal Tools (Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd.)
QuickHeal Client Agent Removal Tools (Quick Heal Technologies (P) Ltd.)
Radialpoint Security Uninstall Utility v9.0.0.41286 (Radialpoint SafeCare Inc.)
Radialpoint Security Uninstall Utility v10.0.0.56987 (Radialpoint SafeCare Inc.)
Radialpoint Servicepoint Dashboard Uninstall Utility v3.7.31.44965 (Radialpoint SafeCare Inc.)
Radialpoint Servicepoint Dashboard Uninstall Utility v4.1.15.56109 (Radialpoint SafeCare Inc.)
SPAMfighter Remove v6.0 (SPAMfighter ApS)
Sunbelt CounterSpy Cleaner v1.0.3509.25408 (Sunbelt Software)
Sunbelt Personal Firewall Cleaner v2.0 (Sunbelt Software)
SUPERAntiSpyware Application UnInstaller (x32) v1.0.0.1018
SUPERAntiSpyware Application UnInstaller (x64) v1.0.0.1004
Symantec Norton Removal Tools (Symantec Corporation)
Trend Micro Tools (Trend Micro Inc.)
TrustPort Removal Utility v12.0.0.1 (TrustPort, as)
Vexira 5.2 and 5.3 Uninstall (Central Command, Inc.)
Vipre Premium Cleaner v1.0.3848.28197 (Sunbelt Software)
VirusBuster Clean x32 v3.5.3389.11926 (VirusBuster Ltd.)
VirusBuster Clean x64 v4.0.3791.13014 (VirusBuster Ltd.)
Webroot Desktop Firewall Removal Utility v5.8.0.25 (Webroot Inc.)
Webroot Spy Sweeper Consumer Cleanup Tool v2.0.1.492 (Webroot Inc.)
Webroot Upgrade and Uninstall Utility v7.0.12.24 (Webroot Inc.)
Windows Live OneCare Cleanup Tool v6.1.22.0 (Microsoft Corporation)
WinPatrol Removal v24.7.2012 (BillP Studios)
Zondex Guard EraseAv v5.4.4.1 (Australian Projects Pty Limited)
Zondex Guard Rem****** v5.4.4.3 (Australian Projects Pty Limited)
ZoneAlarm Removal Tool v12.0.20.0 (Check Point Software Technologies LTD) Vexira 5.2 and 5.3 Uninstall (Central Command, Inc.)
Vipre Premium Cleaner v1.0.3848.28197 (Sunbelt Software)
VirusBuster Clean x32 v3.5.3389.11926 (VirusBuster Ltd.)
VirusBuster Clean x64 v4.0.3791.13014 (VirusBuster Ltd.)
Webroot Desktop Firewall Removal Utility v5.8.0.25 (Webroot Inc.)
Webroot Spy Sweeper Consumer Cleanup Tool v2.0.1.492 (Webroot Inc.)
Webroot Upgrade and Uninstall Utility v7.0.12.24 (Webroot Inc.)
Windows Live OneCare Cleanup Tool v6.1.22.0 (Microsoft Corporation)
WinPatrol Removal v24.7.2012 (BillP Studios)
Zondex Guard EraseAv v5.4.4.1 (Australian Projects Pty Limited)
Zondex Guard Rem****** v5.4.4.3 (Australian Projects Pty Limited)
ZoneAlarm Removal Tool v11.0.0.768 (Check Point Software Technologies LTD) TD)


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كلمة شكر تكفي ^^

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قديم 11-29-2013, 05:11 PM
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