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صور أنمي اكبر و اروع تجمع لمحبي صور الانمي, هنا يستطيع محبي صور الأنمي تبادل جميع صور الأنيمي, صور انمي, صور انيمي الرائعة والمميزة.

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قديم 12-19-2013, 12:45 AM
in the loophole sky ...

In the loophole in the faint sky, a flower petal drips down
Standing in the gold wind, it softly sways
What direction is it headed?
The turning gears of time
I chase after our entwined feelings and reach out my hand
Oh, interweaved future, and ungranted wish of the past
Overcome any kind of pain, and flap your wings to the other side
Deep inside of your blue eyes, a single teardrop drips down
The audible silver fountain, it flowingly flows
What reflects inside of it?
A sadness that cannot even be torn apart and
The wheel-tracks of an unforgettable sin, I now, release them.
Oh, small fragment of hope left behind in this hand
I want to believe that you will forgive, no matter the mistake
If there is a prayer for someone left inside of my heart
I believe that you will forgive, no matter the mistake.
Oh, interweaved future, and ungranted wish of the past
Overcome any kind of pain, and flap your wings to the other side
The light of a colorful rainbow
Oh, wings gifted from heaven
I pour to you all my emotions
I offer you this eternal prayer

ṦĥŎŎĐ and NANA ! like this.
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قديم 12-19-2013, 12:48 AM

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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة sharlot ; 12-19-2013 الساعة 06:39 PM
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قديم 12-19-2013, 07:13 PM

ṦĥŎŎĐ likes this.
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قديم 12-19-2013, 07:35 PM

OTA≧◡≦KU and NANA ! like this.
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قديم 12-19-2013, 07:37 PM

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