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قديم 03-14-2014, 08:28 PM
عملاق حرق الاسطوانات Daemon Tools Lite Final

Daemon Tools Lite Final

البرنامج الشهير
DAEMON Tools Lite Final
من أشهر وافضل برامج محاكاة أقراص السي دى والـ ديفيدى
يمكنك من تشغيل ملفات الأيزو من خلال الهارديسك دون الحاجة لخرقها على سى دى
يمتاز بالسرعة والخفة مقارنة بالبرامج الأخرى وكذلك مشغل الأقراص سى دى

Daemon Tools - compact but powerful emulator CD / DVD-drives - allows you to emulate absolutely any disk image, made utility for copying disks (eg, CloneCD). Similarly, in this emulator is possible to "paste" copied to the hard disk audio-CD or DVD-discs.

The program works through a system tray menu with which you get access to all the commands. You can select the number of added virtual drives, mount images for each of them. To identify each drive, you can choose any letter English alphabet, which is not used. Also, for each virtual device can be mounted your area code. It is worth noting that the connection and disconnection of virtual drives occurs almost instantaneously and without having to reboot. Features can be expanded with additional modules, which in large quantities are produced by third-party developers.

Virtualization drives
• Create up to 4 virtual drives (2 DT and 2 SCSI) to mount several images
• Set up virtual drives: change a drive letter, DVD region, etc.
• Mount *. Mdx, *. Mds / *. Mdf, *. Iso, *. B5t, *. B6t, *. Bwt, *. Ccd, *. Cdi, *. Bin / *. Cue, *. Ape / *. cue, *. nrg, *. pdi, *. isz images on virtual drives

The main functions of backup
• Create. Iso, *. Mds / *. Mdf and *. Mdx images of CD / DVD / Blu-ray discs
• Protecting images password
• Compression of images
• Management of the Catalogue of images

Changes in version
• Quick mount of FLAC format;
Bugs fixed:
• Minor fixes.

Platform: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
Language: MULTi
Date: 2014-03-13
Tablet: freeware
Size: 20 MB



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