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إعلانات تجارية و إشهار مواقع اعلانات تجارية, إشهار مواقع جديد, فرصة جيدة لنشر موقعك ومنتجك.

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قديم 04-17-2014, 10:29 PM
Yacht charter in dubai

Columbus for Yachts & Boats Rental

Our Mission "To combine outstanding services along with the most reasonable prices in Dubai" Enjoy the wonderful views of Dubai distinctive towers and explore the art of Dubai's skyscrapers with a relaxing atmosphere of refreshing sea breeze

One of the Luxuries Yachts features stylish comfort of 2 bedrooms, sophisticated lounge, upper deck with an open area to enjoy a sunbathing moment while entertaining yourself with high-quality audio system.

Yacht is equipped to host your event, birthday and barbecue parties with dinner and lunch upon request. You can enjoy the Yachts lower deck with exceptional fishing experience.*

The Journey starts when the Yacht leaves Jumeirah 2 port heading out to the open sea passing by Burj Alrab & Palm Jumeirah reaching Dubai Marina. Group capacity of 15 guests.

Contact us on 0502488858 or 0508499333 and be sure that you will spend the happiest and most enjoyable times with us and remember, the more numbers of hours your reserve the lower price you get.

*Birthday cake, lunch or dinner, fishing equipment provided upon request with extra charges

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Yacht charter in dubai احمد افندى إعلانات تجارية و إشهار مواقع 0 04-03-2014 05:00 AM
Yacht charter in dubai احمد افندى أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 02-23-2014 09:29 PM
Yacht charter in dubai احمد افندى إعلانات تجارية و إشهار مواقع 0 02-23-2014 09:22 PM

الساعة الآن 10:22 PM.

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