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قديم 05-13-2014, 03:28 AM
حمل الفيديوهات بأقصى سرعة مع برنامج Aimersoft YouTube Downloader 4.0.0

Aimersoft YouTube Downloader 4.0.0

Watching videos online has become the most popular enjoyment in daily life. However, not all sites offer the access to download interesting online videos. What if you want to download and save your favorite videos on your local drive? Aimersoft YouTube Downloader is the best solution.

• Download videos from YouTube, Vimeo and more
• Save entire YouTube playlists with one click
• Convert downloaded videos to popular formats
• Download YouTube videos to MP3 and more
• Transform online videos to fit for different players

It will remove all the hassles and empower you the magic to
• Download videos from 1000+ sites like YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo etc.
• Download playlists, watch later lists and channels from YouTube
• Download 1080p videos and HTML 5 videos
• Download closed captions from YouTube and Hulu

Convert Downloaded Videos to Tons of Formats
Can't play the downloaded videos successfully? Want to edit YouTube videos but YouTube video format is not supported by editing software? That's not a problem for Aimersoft YouTube Downloader. This online video downloader combines with a powerful video converter, which lets you convert any downloaded videos to virtually all popular video formats like AVI, WMV, MOV, MP4, 3GP, HD, 3D output and more. Besides, it also enjoys the ability to extract audio from downloaded videos and save them as MP3, WAV, WMA and so on.

Transform Videos to Fit for Different Devices
Want to transfer YouTube videos to your mobile devices to watch on the go? Aimersoft YouTube Downloader's built-in video converter will help you to do this in a hassle free manner. It provides more than 100 optimized presets for different gadgets, which include Apple products like iPhone 5, iPad 4, iPod Touch 5, gaming devices like PSP, Wii and many other popular brand like Samsung, BlackBerry, Nokia, HTC, Sony, Motorola, Archos and more. Only with a few simple clicks, you can watch any YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, etc. videos whenever and wherever possible.

Watch Movies with Built-out HD Player
If you have spent a lot time in looking for an excellent player to play any of your downloaded videos, now that ended. Aimersoft YouTube downloader comes with an external high definition media player, which will play your local video and video downloaded from internet with super clear image and high quality sound effects.

Besides, Aimersoft Player allows you to add subtitles to the loaded videos, adjust the frame size, choose different audio track and more. You can also create a personalized playback list and even take snapshots for your favorite scenes.

What's new in version 4.0.0:
1. Supports downloading videos from another 7 sites like TV, MLB, Veevr, Adobe TV, Foxnews video, History and PBS;
2. Supports downloading YouTube 4K (Ultra HD) videos;
3. Downloads YouTube videos 3X faster;
4. Added more options to playback controls: previous/next, fast-forward/rewind and shuffle/repeat/playlist playback modes;
5. Fixed some bugs.

Supported OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8











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youtube downloader اسرع برنامج لتحميل الفيديوهات من youtube emad_17 أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 1 10-25-2009 06:28 AM

الساعة الآن 09:48 PM.

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