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تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

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قديم 06-01-2014, 03:03 PM
برنامج تصميم اللوجوهات والشعارات الرائع MAGIX Page & Layout Designer 2013

MAGIX Page & Layout Designer 2013

MAGIX Page & Layout Designer 2013 is the ideal program for creating company logo designs, advertising campaigns and marketing materials. Present your business professionally. Business cards, flyers, newsletters or brochures: It doesn't matter what kind of document you want to create, this single program is everything you need to make your business successful!
Your advantages: - Large selection of royalty-free templates for the perfect business presence - Create business cards, letter paper, invitations,food and drinks menus, logos etc. - Make your own affordable advertising material: flyers, posters, newsletters, coupons etc. - Design advertising materials featuring your logo designs (e.g. cups, pens etc.) - Direct link to social media sites, e.g. Facebook - All features in one interface - No prior knowledge necessary
MAGIX Page & Layout Designer offers: - A large selection of customizable, royalty-free templates - Templates for any purpose: Business cards, business presentations, advertising materials - Create newsletters, PDFs and lots more. - Create a logo e.g. Company logos for cups or pens for advertising materials - Direct links to Facebook and Flickr thanks to the MX function. - Use a single program for all tasks and save yourself time and money.







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