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طلبات برامج هنا يستطيع الأعضاء كتابة طلباتهم وسوف يقوم المشرف بتلبيتها لهم, برامج نادره وكامله, ممنوع طلب كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

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قديم 10-30-2007, 07:42 PM
عاجل جدًا

الرجاء سيريال البرنامجين التاليين :
Regitry Medic .5 pc pitstop optimize
وجزيتم خيرًا .
قديم 10-30-2007, 08:11 PM
Wink رد: عاجل جدًا

البرنامج الاول برنامج Regitry Medic .5
السريال بتاعه 148F04E3937744
الشرح :

بداية التنصيب

لإضافة السريال

اما البرنامج الثانى :-

اليك النسخة كاملة

PC Pitstop Optimize v1.5.11.3

PC Pitstop Optimize v1.5.11.3
Is your PC acting sluggish? Are strange windows inexplicably popping up on your screen? Do you have to reboot your computer because of errors and lockups? Our free computer checkup and diagnostics can help you detect and fix many common computer problems! Our full PC tune-up should be your first stop to get the computer help you need.

Identify many common problems that plague most computers. Find out what it takes to get a better performing computer without the expense or difficulty of adding new hardware. We have taken the experience from our web site and created an application that will make your PC run faster, make it more stable, and clean up hard drive space. We designed the application to be easy to use and resolve many common issues that our visitors have been experiencing.

Download: Code:


طريقة تفعيل الباتش

1) Run Optimize- setup-0003

2) X out of PC Pitstop Optimize and Double Click PC Pitstop Optimizer v1.5.11.2 Patch

3) Click Patch (Cannot find the file.Search the file?) Click Yes.

4) Go to local disk (c), double click Program files,double click PC Pitstop,double click Optimize,double click PCPOptimize.

5) You may need to hit the patch button on Patch exe a few times quickly for it to work.

6) Open PC Pitstop, and in Left hand corner you should see [ PC Pitstop Optimize - Licensed to ]

7) Done and Enjoy.

Do not run patch again once you have working,it will cause error, if so uninstall, reinstall start again.

PC Cillin will see Patch as virus, turn off PC Cillin Trend Internet Security, install Pc Pitstop,
Turn Trend Internet Security back On


وشكرا ومنقول
قديم 10-30-2007, 09:31 PM
رد: عاجل جدًا

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قصتي الأولى (الزمن طبعه كذا) قصه طويله من اجزاء حاكم العشاق قصص قصيرة 12 12-11-2007 09:24 PM
قصة ستجعلك تفكر كثيرا اذا كنت .....ادخل عشان تعرف ؟ شعاع الحب أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 18 01-25-2007 05:37 PM

الساعة الآن 09:13 AM.

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