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قديم 07-29-2014, 02:39 PM
برنامج الرسم بإحترافيه ويمكنهم عمل اللوحات الفنية الرائعة Autodesk Sketchbook Pro 6.2.6

Autodesk SketchBook Pro 6.2.6

Autodesk® SketchBook® Pro sketching software for Windows or Mac computers is a fun and intuitive paint and drawing app, and can transform your computer into an ideal artist’s toolkit. With tools designed for professional artists, illustrators, and designers, the easy-to-use interface can help unlock the artist in everyone.

SketchBook Pro is specifically designed to work with pen tablets, such as Wacom® Bamboo™, Intuos®, and Cintq® products, or with Windows® tablet devices to deliver an authentic drawing experience.

SketchBook® Pro 6 Features

-Streamlined interface delivers an unobstructed and discoverable environment, keeping you in the creative zone.
-Multitouch navigation support on the latest Wacom devices.
-Synthetic paintbrushes that behave more like traditional paint mediums.
-Smudge brushes for blending colors. Even more brush controls to customize.
-Free up the sketching process with ultra-responsive digital pencils, pens, markers, paintbrushes, and airbrushes. Even customize your own brushes.
-Draw Styles & Guide tools, like French curves, help you create clean and nearly precise strokes.
-Layers let you build up and organize a drawing.
-Familiar tools, like pencils, paintbrushes, markers, airbrushes, erasers, flood fill tools, and smudge brushes make it easier to get started.
-Easy access to tools and commands in the intuitive and customizable menus.













رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-29-2014, 05:38 PM
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