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قديم 08-21-2014, 07:35 PM
برنامج تسجيل الإتصالات او اي صوت عن طريق الميكروفون الخاص بالكومبيوتر Snooper

Snooper 1.44.1

البرنامج الجميل جدا والمفيد لهواة اللاسلكي حيث ان به إمكانية تسجيل الإتصالات او اي صوت عن طريق الميكروفون الخاص بالكومبيوتر وحفظه بملف وإرسال ذلك الملف بالبريد الإلكتروني المحدد من قبل المستخدم.

Snooper is a professional sound activated audio recording software package with many options and features.

b>Secret recordings: Recording automatically starts when sound is detected from the microphone input and stops when there is silence. Stealth mode will hide the program from taskbar and tray. System wide user definable hot keys can be set to control the program.

Smart recording system: Will start the recording before the actual sound trigger occur.

Dictation mode: All recordings are collected in a single mp3-file. Locate recordings by time stamps in the recorded file.

E-mail handling: After the recording is done the audio file can automatically be sent by e-mail to designated address. The maximum file size option will split a recording in to smaller chunks when sending e-mail. So if you can receive e-mail you can listen to what is sounded in your Snooper equipped PC, wherever you are in the world!. You can also create voice mail with the integrated voice mail function.

Schedule Several recording can be setup to start and stop in different mode and at specific time and date.

MP3 technology: Using compact MPEG layer 3 audio format the file size will be less than 4 MB for one hour of recording! Various settings available including bit rate, sample rate, mono, stereo, etc


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