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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 09-24-2014, 03:12 PM
حول شكل الاندرويد الى شكل ثلاثى ابعاد رائع


Forget about everything tiling on the flat like dead fish. Forget about the icon showing like a piece of paper. Forget about the dock standing in line like dumb wood. Forget the traditional launcher and embrace REAL 3D Launcher!

Next Launcher 3D is so proud to present the first REAL 3D Launcher in Google Play Store. Evolution is coming.
Extend imagination, extend capabilities!
Join millions of users for unique and splendid operation experience and visual enjoyment!


Extremely fancy 3D effect with buttery smooth experience
Real 3D Home Screen Transition Effects (Crystal, Cloth, Folding and more coming soon)
Stunning 3D screen preview with dazzling animation of screen switching
Build unique icon style by changing its size, angle, style and label (Icon Editor)
Combine all good parts from different themes into a single theme you really love (Theme Mix Mode)
Efficient and powerful batch apps management with gestures
Up to 8 different gestures available in home screen and app drawer
See how cool your phone could be by blowing all the icons and the widgets to air space (Floating Mode)
Enhanced shining border effects for home screen transition
Up to 7 rows on dock to shortcut all your favorites
Keep releasing 3D Next widgets, 3D themes and live wallpapers special designed by GO Launcher Dev Team

Next Launcher 3D Shell— Best 3D Launcher Ever. + Brand new UI3.0 Just Released!

What's New V3.18

1. (Improved) Display of Preference
2. (Improved) Better performance in RAM usage
3. (Improved) Less battery sonsumptionr
4. (Fixed) Some FC bugs

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-27-2014, 02:18 PM
مشكوووووور والله يعطيك الف عافيه
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 09-28-2014, 01:49 AM
رد مع اقتباس
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الساعة الآن 01:51 PM.

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