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قديم 09-30-2014, 10:32 PM
Thumbs up برنامج IObit Driver Booster PRO لتحميل أخر تعريفات جهازك

برنامج IObit Driver Booster PRO لتحميل أخر تعريفات جهازك

برنامج IObit Driver Booster هو الطريقة الأسهل والأكثر فعالية لتحديث تعريفات جهازك تلقائياً واجهة البرنامج بسيطة وسهلة الاستخدام بمجرد تثبيت البرنامج فإنه يفحص الكمبيوتر الخاص بك على الفور ويظهر تقريرا مفصلا عن التعاريف التي تحتاج الى تحديث

IObit Driver Booster is the easiest and most effective driver updating tool, that quickly scans your Windows system for out-of-date drivers, then downloads, installs and replaces them with a click. It protects your computer from software conflicts, hardware failures and resolves system crash problems caused by outdated drivers. The program will automatically identify your hardware and then search to ensure that each piece of hardware has the latest device driver installed. Any driver issues can be fixed with a few clicks of your mouse. All old drivers can be detected by simply clicking on the “Scan” button, and then you just need to click “Update All” button to these outdated drivers. Compared with other driver updating tools, IObit Driver Booster can improve your PC performance for gaming as well.

20.7 MB

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