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قديم 10-09-2014, 03:08 PM
برنامج الساعه الرائعه مع اجمل الاشكال لتزيين سطح المكتب Cute Puppy Clock

Cute Puppy Clock 1.2.9

ساعة الجرو ( الكلب الصغير ) سوف تجعل سطح مكتبك أكثر جاذبية ومتعه . ساعة Cute Puppy Clock والتى تعرض الوقت ، والتى تتيح لك الإختيار من بين عدد من الجراء ( الكلاب الصغيرة ) اللطيفة ، يمكنك وضعها فى أى مكان على سطح المكتب عن طريق السحب والإفلات وضبط درجة الشفافية للوصول إلى التأثير المرغوب فيه . هذا البرنامج هو أيضاً طريقة لطيفة لتخصيص سطح المكتب

We constantly look for new ways to customize our computer, whether we search for creative wallpapers, dynamic widgets or screensavers filled with vivid colors. Dog lovers can opt for this small app called Cute Puppy Clock - it displays the system clock along with the picture of a very cute puppy.

Cute Puppy Clock shows a small image of the pet on the desktop that seems to be standing on a clock, in its digital mode. Unfortunately, you cannot switch the time display to the 12-clock mode. The application includes a total of 11 puppies that you can choose from the "Select Puppy" area by accessing the right-click menu.

By using the mouse cursor, you can move the app anywhere on the desktop. But you can also adjust its transparency level between 20% and 100%, as well as make Cute Puppy Clock automatically run at Windows startup and minimize to the system tray. Additionally, you can check out the 'About' window and visit the developer's homepage by making a single click in the context menu.

As expected, the small tool puts little strain on the computer's memory and CPU. It is very responsive and stable. Cute Puppy Clock did not freeze, crash or display errors during our tests. On the downside, you cannot change the clock appearance or make Cute Puppy Clock stay on top of other applications.


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قديم 10-09-2014, 03:57 PM
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