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قديم 10-25-2014, 08:28 AM
اذاة خصيصا لإصلاح مشاكل الانترنت الحاسوب FixWin


أداة FixWin مصممة خصيصا للتغلب على عدة مشاكل في الوندوز ، حيث تتوفر على وظائف كثيرة كإصلاح مشاكل الانترنت والإتصال ، ومشكل اختفاء سلة المحذوفات من سطح المكتب ومشكال مشغلات الصوت

الميديا بلير ، كما يمكنك معها ستعادة النظام ، وشياء أخرى مهمة جدا توفرها لنا هذه الأداة المتميزة .
حيت تتوفر هذه الأداة لنسخة VISTA و WINDWS 7 و تحميلها من هنا FixWin.zip - 174 KB
. و نسخة ل WINDOWS 8 و تحميلها من هنا fixwin2.zip - 119 KB

While there were several tutorials and how-to’s already available on the Internet to deal with such annoyances, FixWin as a single utility was

conceptualized, to fix some of the common annoyances which may be faced by a Windows user.

Does your Recycle Bin not correctly? Or maybe you find that for some reason your right click context menu has been disabled in Internet Explorer! Or

perhaps things are not fine with your Windows Media Center and you need to flush & rebuild Windows Media Center database! Maybe you opted to be not-

warned while deleting Sticky Notes and you now want the warning dialog box back! Or then perhaps, post a malware attack you find that your task manage or

cmd or your Registry Editor has been disabled! Fixes for these and many more such common Windows problems are being offered here.

The solutions to repair and fix 50 common Windows annoyances, issues & problems have been categorized under 5 tabs, viz : Windows Explorer, Internet &

Connectivity, Windows Media, System Tools & Misc Additional Fixes.

50 problems … 1 solution … FixWin is the Windows Doctor all have been waiting for!

الترخيص : FixWin
الإصدار : v2.1
الحجم : 0.174MB

حمل هنا
Win7/vista FixWin.zip - 174 KB
أو الرابط
Win7/vista FixWin.zip - 174 KB


حمل هنا
Win8 FixWin.zip - 119 KB
أو الرابط
Win8 FixWin.zip - 119 KB

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