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قديم 10-29-2014, 10:53 AM
برنامج المالتيميديا الرائع PlayerPro Music Player v2.91 كامل للاندرويد

PlayerPro Music Player v2.91

الاصدار الاخير

معلومات عن البرنامج

Key features:

* Browse and play your music by albums, artists, genres, songs, playlists, folders, and album artists.

* Video browser/player.

* Liven up your music library with album artwork, artist pictures, and genre illustrations that you can select from a variety of sources: ID3 tags (embedded artwork), SD card folders, Gallery app, and Internet.

* Change the user interface of the Player by installing one of the many available SKINS.

* Customize the layout, choosing between GRID or LIST views.

* View the LYRICS embedded in the ID3 tags of your music files.

* Single and group TAG EDITING: title, album, artist, album artist, track, year, genre, comment.

* Mixable AUDIO EFFECTS for Android >2.3 devices: 5 band graphic EQUALIZER with default/customizable presets, STEREO WIDENING effect, REVERB effects (large hall, medium hall, plate, small room, medium room, large room), BASS BOOST effect, volume control.

البرنامج صالح لجميع اجهزة اندرويد

Size 6 MB

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