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الهواتف النقالة قسم يهتم بجميع الاجهزة النقالة الحديثة بطرح البرامج الداعمة لها وطرح الجديد من اخبارها وصورها الخاصة

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قديم 10-31-2014, 06:26 PM
برنامج حماية رسائل sms و استرجاعها SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.21 كامل للاندرويد

SMS Backup & Restore Pro v7.21

الاصدار الاخير

معلومات عن البرنامج

– Backup SMS Messages in XML format.
– Backup created locally on the device with options to automatically upload to Email, Google Drive or DropBox using the Add-On app.
– Choose a scheduled time to automatically backup.
– Backup format is independent of the Android version so the messages can be easily moved from one phone to another, irrespective of the Android version.
– Option to select which conversations to backup.
– View/Restore all Messages or only selected conversations.
– Delete all SMS Messages on the Phone.
– Email a backup file.
– The XML can then be converted to other formats, and can also be viewed on a computer.
– Tested on Android v1.5 to v4.4.2

البرنامج صالح لجميع اجهزة اندرويد

Size 1.7 MB

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