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قديم 12-01-2007, 02:00 PM
رد: what is????

ummmmmmmm a hard question to answer Sherey,I have lots of dreams ,old ones which I’ve already realized that it won't make me happy and new dreams which i think by achieving them I’ll be happy .For each dream to become true we need to set short term goals and long-term goals and 99% people don’t achieve there goals cause they don’t write them on a paper and that’s really true ,if you really want to achieve your goals then wright them on a paper and work on them and make sure it’s flexible to change since you never know what tomorrow hides for you .I’ll end up saying that not every thing you dream of comes true and not every thing you’ve got now you’ve dreamt of.

We all agree that our dream is to be success and success and happiness never separates.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-01-2007, 02:46 PM
رد: what is????

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة wjeeeeeh مشاهدة المشاركة
My dream sometimes make me wonder Is it really possible
would I be able to do it
my dream is heavy my back is killing me..

my dream is,^205^.............. I'd rather not say,I'll leave it to the All-Wise.All-Seen.The Only Helper
thx wajeeeh
i hope that ur dreem well come true
and mmmmmm um agree with u taht god the only how can help us to achive dreems
but we should try to do all what we can do't to achive yhis hoppies and goals

إلى جميعـ بناتـ عيونـ العربـ ..

أدعوكمـ للإانضامـ لمجموعة ,,

نعم للبنات ـلا للتماسيحـ


جروبـ خاصـ للصبايا ..:88:

أعذروني عن تغيبي فالجامعه قد بدأت و انا ادرس أصعب المواضيع !!..فادعوا لي ..
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 12-01-2007, 03:06 PM
رد: what is????

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lavender مشاهدة المشاركة
ummmmmmmm a hard question to answer Sherey,I have lots of dreams ,old ones which I’ve already realized that it won't make me happy and new dreams which i think by achieving them I’ll be happy .For each dream to become true we need to set short term goals and long-term goals and 99% people don’t achieve there goals cause they don’t write them on a paper and that’s really true ,if you really want to achieve your goals then wright them on a paper and work on them and make sure it’s flexible to change since you never know what tomorrow hides for you .I’ll end up saying that not every thing you dream of comes true and not every thing you’ve got now you’ve dreamt of.

We all agree that our dream is to be success and success and happiness never separates.
thx Lav for ur particpation
ur way of thinking make me think in another way

sure all try to do a max to achive dreams
also not all what we wanna to acjive we can get
nice idea LAv mmm that write the dreams in a paper

إلى جميعـ بناتـ عيونـ العربـ ..

أدعوكمـ للإانضامـ لمجموعة ,,

نعم للبنات ـلا للتماسيحـ


جروبـ خاصـ للصبايا ..:88:

أعذروني عن تغيبي فالجامعه قد بدأت و انا ادرس أصعب المواضيع !!..فادعوا لي ..
رد مع اقتباس
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