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قديم 11-21-2014, 01:29 PM
برنامج IObit Start Menu 8 لاظهار قائمة ابدآ فى ويندوز 8

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
تحميل برنامج IObit start menu 8 لإظهار قائمه ابدأ فى ويندوز 8 تحميل مباشر

من شركة iobit برنامج قائمة ابدأ start menu 8 مصمم خصيصا لنظام التشغيل وندوز 8 ويقدم الحل المثالي للذين يعملون في كل وقت مع قائمة ابدأ وليسوا معتادين على قائمة ميترو الجديدة في وندوز 8 .
هذا البرنامج يعيد زر ستارت ابدأ وقائمة ستارت ابدأ ويوفر خيار تخطي قائمة ميترو مما يسمح للمستخدمين الذين يفضلون العمل على سطح المكتب بالبوت مباشرة الى سطح المكتب
وسهولة الوصول منها الى المستندات والبرامج ولوحة التحكم والاعدادات ..الخ .
StartMenu8 is specially designed for Window 8. It offers a perfect solution for users who work with Windows start menu all the time and are not accustomed to the new Metro start screen in Windows 8. This smart tool brings back both the start button and Windows start Menu, and offers the option to skip Metro start page, allowing users who only work on desktop to boot to Windows 8 desktop directly. It’s the best start menu replacement for Windows8.
More Efficiency and Convenience
StartMenu8 not only brings back the convenient start menu to Windows 8, but also allows you to bypass Metro screen on start of Windows 8 and boot to desktop directly.
Easily Switch between Metro and Desktop interface
You can easily switch between two modes by pressing and holding the Windows key, depending on your preference.
Faster Access to Programs and files
StartMenu8 brings back start menu where you can get quicker access to programs, documents and files, control panel and settings.
Quicker Searching
Unified and instant Searching for both desktop and Metro apps decreases the time taken in Searching and makes your work more efficient.
Customizable to your needs
You can pin programs to start menu and Taskbar for quicker access to your favorite programs. It's easily customizable to have everything you need at just one click.
Safe and Secure
Start menu 8 is safe and secure, and is 100% free of malware.
الحجم : 8 ميجا

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