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قديم 11-23-2014, 02:47 PM
مشغل الميديا الخفيف VSO Media Player Final

VSO Media Player Final

VSO Media Player free is a video player which can play video and audio files, is extra light and easy to use.

Free Video Player
One player to read all your audio and video files
100% free
No adware and spyware, or toolbars
Easy to use
Drag and drop support
File navigation panel to jump from title to title
Create playlists
add files and save as a playlist to use again later
Remembers your last playback position
No external codecs needed
No additional codecs needed
reads all video files without additional downloads
All-in-one package
Free flv player
Mp3 Player
Supports various audio file formats: mp3, wma, FLAC, and more
Blu-ray & DVD compatible
Specially designed to be compatible with blu-ray files and folders
If reading a blu-ray disk from your optical drive a decryptor maybe needed such as AnyDVD
Supports multi-angle + multi-version
Reads DVD and AVCHD .ISO files
Excellent HD Player and Free bluray player
Advanced settings
Edit the settings of Text subtitles: font, color, size, etc.
Control image: brightness, contrast, etc.
Use GDI or Direct3D
Switch from GDI or Direct3D settings to see which works best on your computer giving you the best quality, or using less resources
Cuda support
video card acceleration with support for nVidia video cards
Multicore support
Increased stability for smooth playback
Audio booster included





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