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قديم 02-06-2015, 07:29 PM
Smile Xilisoft iPod Magic Platinum

Xilisoft iPod Magic Platinum

Xilisoft iPod Magic Platinum | 56.5 MB
Languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese

Powerful and comprehensive, Xilisoft iPod Magic is an all-in-one iPod manager tool which combines iPod transfer, iPod rip and iPod converter. It can transfer music, movies, photos, ebooks from iPod to PC/iTunes, and transfer iPod compatible files from PC to iPod. It also enables you to rip home CD/DVD to excellent iPod files, convert various audios/videos to iPod, and download and convert online videos for enjoyable on iPod. Besides all of these, this iPod manager can also connect multiple devices (all iPod and iPhone models) simultaneously and transfer files between them freely, preview and export photos and videos shot by iPhone, manage your iPod as a portable hard disk, and even create iPhone ringtones.

Transfer, backup and manage iPod music, movies, photos, and ebooks
Backup and manage messages and contacts
Convert CD/DVD or audios/videos and transfer to iPod/iPhone
Download and convert online videos for playable on iPod
Compatible with iPhone also, connect multiple devices simultaneously
Make customized iPhone ringtones and transfer to iPhone directly
Fully support all iPod/iPhone, latest, iPhone 5, iPod touch 5, iPod nano 7, iOS 6.1 and iTunes 10.7

OS : Microsoft® Windows XP (SP2 or later), Windows Vista, Windows 7 and 8
Language : Multilingual

Home Page - http://www.xilisoft.com/
im out of here good luck to everyone
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