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قديم 02-13-2015, 06:55 PM
Smile Stardock Start8 1.50 Windows 8

Stardock Start8 1.50 Windows 8

Stardock Start8 1.50 Windows 8 | 10.7 Mb

Stardock Start8 lets you return the Start Button to Windows 8. This operating system of Microsoft is shipped without the Start menu. Start8 brings back Windows 7-style Start menu with Windows 8 enhancements. Also you can view and launch installed applications (including Modern apps), All Programs menu. Start8 includes support for jump lists/recent documents for recently accessed programs (Devices, Documents, Music, Videos, Photos, Computer, and more). Pin favorite desktop and Metro apps shortcuts directly to the start menu for easy access.

Stardock Start8 adds searchable Windows 8 style (Modern UI) Start menu options for Windows desktop applications, Modern applications, and documents. It allows automatically load directly to your Windows desktop on login (vs the start screen).

In addition, you can also easily shutdown your PC without needing to access another menus.

Stardock Start8 Features:
Windows 7-style Start menu with Windows 8 enhancements
Pin desktop and Modern UI apps
Jump list support
Unified Search for Apps, Settings and Files
Boot directly to the Windows 8 desktop
Automatically matches the color of the taskbar
Skinnable Start button
Windows 8 Start screen accessible from the Start Menu
Optionally disable the Windows 8 desktop hot spots
Adds option for WinKey to show fullscreen metro desktop
Group Policy support

Configurable Start menu size
Windows 8 Start screen accessible from the Start menu
Clean, streamlined UI enhances Start8 usability

Optionally disable the desktop Windows 8 hot spots
Supports WindowFX 5.1 start menu animations (currently in beta)
Choose a custom Start button skin and color

Changes in Stardock Start8 1.50 (February 05, 2015):
Added support for sleep function on Surface 3 and similar devices.
Added option to access a list of modern UI applications from the Start8 Start menu.

System Requirements: Windows 8, 8.1 or Server 2012.

im out of here good luck to everyone
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