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قديم 02-14-2015, 08:35 PM
Smile iMobie AnyTrans 4.2.8 Build 20150115

iMobie AnyTrans 4.2.8 Build 20150115

iMobie AnyTrans 4.2.8 Build 20150115 Multilingual | 14.1 MB
To give you the best iPhone, iPod music management experience is what the new AnyTrans made for. Ultra-modern design, super-fast music transferring speed, along with features of made-only-for-Apple-devices, AnyTrans opens up a completely new path to manage your iPhone, iPad, iPod and iTunes music library in a way you even think impossible.
Make any videos perfectly fit on your Retina display, automatically
AnyTrans is the first solution that makes your iPhone capable of playing any video you have. Owning such an iOS file manager on your desktop, you are now free to put all your classic movies or camcorder recordings, right onto your iPhone or iPad. As the sound and image will be perfectly optimized, that's how AnyTrans excels to give you the best viewing experience.

Always put your photos in the right place
Use AnyTrans to organize your photo library with a big window and only your favorite photos. It's the most comfortable way to manage, enjoy and share the pictures you taken. Imagine that, through just a few clicks, you'll be able to transfer thousands of photos or even your entire library between iPhone, iPad and computer, all at once.

Backup & clone not only your apps, but also everything inside
It's a neat interface, handy options, many behind-the-scene technologies that make AnyTrans instantly elevate your App managing experience. No matter whether you want to install / uninstall an app, create app backups or upgrade to new iPhone 6, AnyTrans will get it done just in one go.

An unprecedented iCloud backup explorer, get the things you want over the air
You put daily life on your devices, and the automatic iCloud backup takes care all of them. AnyTrans just lets more surprises come to life. All the content saved on your iCloud and iCloud Drive, is now completely visible and available to download, explore and even extract, with full access.

Expert in taking care of you and all your personal data
Everything you know about full-time assistants is built inside of AnyTrans. Contact, call history and every piece of your personal data that counts in your daily life, AnyTrans will put them in a readily available situation on your computer, with the most commonly used format. That's the way it should be, and AnyTrans makes it a reality.

Get complete freedom and full control over your iPhone
Through leading you to explore the inside essences of your iPhone, AnyTrans will give you a new sense of "you are more powerful than you think." Browsing iOS system without any limits, saving files if necessary, and discovering much more secrets hiding behind, AnyTrans helps find out what your iPhone is really capable of.

OS : Microsoft® Windows® 2000, Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows Vista®, Windows® 7, or Windows® 8
Language : Multilingual

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im out of here good luck to everyone
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