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قديم 03-02-2015, 05:39 PM
تحميل لعبة سباق السيارات الرائعة Fast and Furious Legacy v0.2.1 Android

Fast and Furious Legacy v0.2.1

Become part of the world of Fast & Furious! Filled with cool cars and a high-octane attitude, Fast & Furious, the explosively popular franchise built on speed, continues to fuel the car culture craze with this all new free-to-play racing game for mobile. With the help of the Fast & Furious Family, immerse yourself in a unique storyline - and race in exotic locations from the franchise. Weave through traffic, beat obstacles, and get airtime on jumps with high action driving and racing modes.

So, start your engines, get in gear and experience the ride of your life!

Test your racing skills by weaving through traffic and obstacles, hitting sweet jumps to evade police and take out Fast & Furious villains like Arturo Braga, DK, Shaw and more.

Collect and upgrade over 50 licensed vehicles from the Fast & Furious movies, with even more to come.

Tear up the streets of exotic Fast & Furious destinations such as Rio, Tokyo, Miami and LA.

Fast and Furious: Legacy and its associated artwork and designs are trademarks and copyrights of Universal Studios. Licensed by Universal Studios Licensing LLC. All rights reserved. Game software by Kabam (c) 2015 Kabam, Inc.

Required Android
O/S : 4.0+


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