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قديم 03-02-2015, 09:40 PM
برنامج حرق ونسخ الاسطوانات الخفيف Power Burning Wizard 7.5.3

Power Burning Wizard 7.5.3

Power Burning Studio is a fast and ease-to-use CD DVD burner program to burn CDs and DVDs, including Blu-Ray and HD-DVDs. It also has the ability to burn, rip & create ISO files as well as erase discs. Depending on the feature set of the software, this professional burning program support the creation of data CDs, VCDs, audio CDs, bootable CDs, video DVDs, data DVDs, etc. The guidable interface lets you make flawless music files or home videos to share, or create disc images in ISO formats.

Extreme Ease of Use:
The understandable interface enables you to find & use anything you want in seconds
The operation wizard guides you step by step
Just few clicks, everything is well done

Powerful Burning & Ripping Ability:
Burn data CD/DVD to backup important data of any file type
Burn music as MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG, ASF, WMV to Audio CD/DVD
Burn VCD, DVD from MPEG-1, MPEG-2 videos
Rip audio CD without any quality loss
Extract tracks from unprotected audio CDs and saves them as MP3, WMA, OGG, and WAV

Customizable Burning:
The burning mode to help you create CD with high quality
Select an appropriate burning speed to meet your speed demands
Use CD-Text to edit title & artist text to output
Use test mode (simulate burning) to check-up whether the burning quality is satisfied or not
Burn all kinds of discs by adding and removing files or folders

Wide Support Range of Disc Formats:
Many disc formats are supported, such as DVD-R/DVD+R, DVD-RW/DVD+RW, DVD+R DL, CD-RW and CD+R/CD-R, etc.

ISO Burner/ISO Ripper/ISO Maker Inside:
Burn your ISO and CD/DVD image file to CD-R,CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R, DVD+RW,HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc with high speed
Rip CD/DVD ISO image for permanent backup on your hard disk or other storage medium and make borrowed movies and PC games discs to ISO files for costless entertainment
Create ISO image from any files and folders easily

More Useful Functions
Disc eraser is very quick at removing the unwanted content from your disk
The device info tool display detailed disc drive information of your PC
More to come...













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