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قديم 03-21-2015, 05:20 PM
البرنامج الجديد لقياس شدة الضوضاء الرائع Sound Meter Pro v2.4.8 Android

Sound Meter Pro v2.4.9

Sound Meter Pro is the 4th set of Smart Tools® collection (noise, vibration, seismometer).

SPL(sound pressure level) meter app uses your built-in microphone to measure noise volume in decibels(db), and shows a reference. We had calibrated many android devices with the actual sound level meter with dB(A).

REMEMBER!! The smart phone microphones were aligned to human voice (300-3400Hz, 40-60dB).
Therefore the maximum values are LIMITED by the hardware limitation, and very loud sound(100+ db) cannot be recognized. Moto Droid (max.100), Galaxy S3 (81dB), Galaxy Note (91dB), Galaxy S2 (98dB), HTC Desire(82dB)...

Vibrometer app uses the phone sensors to measure vibration or the earthquake, and it shows a reference as a seism detector.

The measured values are the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale(MMI), and just for reference.
If it is inaccurate, you can calibrate it so that the maximum value is about 10-11.

* Pro version added Features:
- Sound Meter and Vibrometer are integrated
- Statistic menu with saving log data
- CSV file exporting
- Level notification
- Line-chart duration
- More models are calibrated
- No ads

* Do you want more tools?
Get [Smart Tools] package.

For more information, see the manual, Youtube video and the blog. Thank you.

* Not Compatible with: Xperia(X10 mini), LG(Optimus One, P350), GT-I9001, ZTE, etc



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