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قديم 03-25-2015, 05:07 AM
العملاق PunkBuster 3.8 لمنع الغش في الالعاب الاونليين

PunkBuster 3.8
PunkBuster 3.8


البرنامج الرائع والحل النهائي لمنع الغش في الالعاب الاونليين

PunkBuster the original Anti-Cheat system for online multiplayer games. Real-time scanning of memory by PB Client on players' computers searching for known hacks/cheats Throttled two-tiered background auto-update system using multiple Internet Master Servers to provide end-user security ensuring that no false or corrupted updates can be installed on players' computers PB Servers can optionally be configured to randomly check player settings looking for known exploits of the game engine An optional "bad name" facility is provided so that PB Admins can prevent players from using offensive player names containing unwanted profanity or racial slurs

PunkBuster 3.8


رد مع اقتباس
قديم 03-26-2015, 09:12 AM
شكرا .....
رد مع اقتباس
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طريقه جديدة لمنع الغش ..................منقول بنوته امورة نكت و ضحك و خنبقة 7 06-02-2013 10:10 PM

الساعة الآن 03:28 PM.

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