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قديم 07-17-2015, 08:50 AM
“Personally, seeing Himawari happy just puts a smile on my face. There is something behind that face. Watch the movie and take in all Himawari’s love”
— Junko Takeuchi (Naruto’s VA)

هذي العبارة شوقت الجميع

يعني توقعت تعلق شيء عن بورتو اكثر من هيماواري

بس كلامها يعني في مواقف جميلة راح نشوف هيماواري سعيدة
قديم 07-17-2015, 08:57 AM

(Interviewer) ―― Was there a difficult aspect when you were trying to depict Naruto when he became a parent?

岸本:そこまで難しくはなかったです。大人になったナルトも、今の僕みたいなものなので。僕も仕事ばっかり で息子に全然会えないんです。つまり今回の映画は、自分の私生活をさらけ出してる内容なんですよ(笑)。ボ ルトもそうですが、子供は構ってあげられない大人の事情を理解しにくいので。逆もまたそうです が。

Kishi: It wasn’t difficult to an extent. It’s because when Naruto became an adult, he became someone who’s also similar to who I am now. Since I also have nothing but work, I can’t meet with my son at all. So in other words, the contents of this movie exposes my own private life (Laughs). However, even Boruto seems to reflect it. It’s difficult for a child to understand the circumstances of an adult who can’t look after them. But the converse of that (also seems to be true: //it’s difficult for an adult to understand the circumstances of a child who can’t be looked after).

――「事情があるから、構ってあげられないんだよ?」 という息子さんへのメッセージ?

(Interviewer) ――” Because I have circumstances, I can’t look after you” Is that a message to your son?

岸本:メッセージというより、言い訳(笑)。親には親なりの、息子には息子なりの考え方があるということを 知ってほしいです。もちろん、それだけじゃないですけどね!!(笑)

Kishi: Rather than a message, it’s an excuse (Laugh). As his parent, there’s his parent’s perspective; As my son, there’s my son’s perspective. I want him to understand (both of them). But of course, that’s not the only thing!! (Laugh).


Interviewer: Lastly, leave a message to the readers of Weekly Shounen Jump!!

谷口:僕らも今から映画が楽しみです。絶対に面白いと思いますし、僕らの曲も含め、映画を楽しんでもらえた ら嬉しいです。

Taniguchi: We’re also looking forward to the movie from here onwards. We think that it’s absolutely interesting. Since it even includes our song, we would be happy if you could also enjoy the movie.

岸本:今回の映画では、できる限りのことをすべてやり尽くしました。自分でも面白い作品ができたなと思って おります。ぜひ親子で見に来ていただきたいです!

Kishi: I was completely devoted to everything that I could possibly do for this movie. Personally, even I thought that it was an interesting work that I had completed. Certainly, I want parents and their children to come and see it!


Interviewer: Thank you very much!
قديم 07-17-2015, 09:02 AM

قديم 07-17-2015, 09:26 AM
مووضوعنا صار في اكثر من 1000 صفحة
و 5000 مشاركة

و 93000 مشاهدة

وعيد سعيد
قديم 07-17-2015, 09:52 AM
موضوع مغلق

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الساعة الآن 12:04 PM.

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