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قديم 07-27-2015, 08:19 PM
Exam stage 3
Gokage, tea-drinking wives, Kakashi and Gai come to watch it.
When it is Boruto's turn, Naruto leaves his own seat and sits with Hinata.
What we see in the trailer is actually Shikadai binding Boruto just before Boruto's palm (blogger not sure if its Jyuken) lands.
Then Boruto uses a device to activate Tajuu Kage Bunshin. Naruto notices something fishy with it.

Naruto: I will lecture you when we go home.
Boruto: Lecture? If you got time for lecturing this wouldn't have happened.

Momoshiki begins his attack by sending Naruto flying. When Momoshiki proceeds to hunt Naruto, Boruto tries to stop him with kunai. Annoyed, Momoshiki goes to finish Boruto first but Naruto returns to protect his son.

Momoshiki VS Naruto using Kyuubi chakra mode
The stadium is destroyed. Sasuke saves Sarada from falling rocks and then goes to join Naruto to fight Momoshiki. Their kids stay behind them as they fight.

Momoshiki throws a giant black chakra orb. Naruto tries to block it but is overpowered. He leaves the kids to Sasuke and disappears with the orb in an explosion.

Sasuke joins the other four Kages to go to save Naruto and lets Boruto join them. Just when Sasuke is about to take his team to the dimension, Hinata arrives and tries to stop her son. However, when she sees him in part 1 Naruto's clothes, she remembers young Naruto and decides to trust him. The scientists who make the devices secretly follow them to the dimension.

In the dimension, Momoshiki is extracting Kyuubi but Sasuke's team suddenly appears. Boruto cuts off the tree branches that are binding Naruto and Sasuke catches him (princess style lol).

Chojuro & Kurotsuchi VS Kinshiki
Gaara & Darui stall Momoshiki until Naruto and Sasuke join them to fight Momoshiki

Blogger was too impressed by the fighting scenes that he forgot whether Momoshiki is Kaguya's enemy or relative lol

Kinshiki is trapped by Kurotsuchi's cement trap. When he sees that Momoshiki is losing, he breaks out from the trap and lets himself get absorbed by Momoshiki. Momoshiki says that Kinshiki is created for this moment.

Sasuke's face is attacked. This time it is Naruto's turn to pull princess style catching on Sasuke. Then they both bring out their Susanoo Kurama to defeat Momoshiki.

Here comes the facepalming moment: The scientists want to make sure Momoshiki is dead so they use their devices to shower him with ninjutsu. Momoshiki absorbs the ninjutsu to revive himself.

Sasuke then tells Boruto to use Rasengan. Momoshiki prepares to absorb it but disables his absorption power when the Rasengan disappears. Then boom, invisible Rasengan hits.

Then many epic things happen in the battle. So many that the blogger forgot the details.

Finally Naruto and Boruto use Father & Son Rasengan to kill Momoshiki. Boruto's arm injuries are caused by this Rasengan. (Blogger doesn't know if the damage is permanent)

I know I have skipped a lot in that post so just ask here if there is anything you want to know. I will try to search the post.
قديم 07-27-2015, 08:19 PM
Chojuro and Kurotsuchi VS Kinshiki
Gaara and Darui stall Momoshiki
I (Blogger) can't describe the fight in details. Everyone, both Naruto, Sasuke and the Kages, are awesome.
Chojuro and Kurotsuchi collaborate to trap Kinshiki with cement.
On the other side, Sasuke, Naruto, Gaara and Darui VS Momoshiki
Here Sasuke and Momoshiki talk about Kaguya and her army and also Momoshiki's origin.
Momoshiki refers to himself as God and calls the others inferior people.
(Blogger apologizes for forgetting whether Momoshiki is on Kaguya's side or not)
They stop talking.
Gaara: If ninjutsu doesn't work, just use Taijutsu. Simple.
Darui: Don't underestimate the shinobi!
(Blogger forgets who actually said what)
Then they fight. Momoshiki attacks with chakra orbs but is overpowered by Sasuke, Naruto, Gaara and Darui team.
Kinshiki notices Momoshiki is losing so he breaks out of the cement trap and says: It's the time for me to serve you, Momoshiki-sama.
Kinshiki's skin is torn by the cement.
Momoshiki: This is the moment you were created for.
Momoshiki absorbs Kinshiki.
This looks like Sasuke and Sound 4's CS2 transformation.
(Blogger points out how they are related because CS is originally senjutsu)
Sasuke: This is not your real power.
Momoshiki's transformed form starts attacking. His attacks can no longer be handled by the likes of Gaara.
Sasuke is hit by Momoshiki's attack. His left face looks burnt.
这次换鸣人公主抱接住佐助,本来因为百式的查克拉吸收,濒临虚脱的鸣人、立刻跟变个人似的。九 尾模式全开。
Naruto catches Sasuke in princess style. Naruto is supposed to be exhausted from the chakra extraction but now he looks more energetic and enters Kurama mode.
Sasuke tells Naruto to calm down.
Sasuke activates Susanoo and this becomes a battle between monsters.
Momoshiki is defeated by Susanoo Kurama.
Just when Naruto and Sasuke think it's all over,
Those scientists use their devices to throw ninjutsu at Momoshiki.
Sasuke or Naruto: Those fools are doing something redundant.
Momoshiki absorbs the ninjutsu to revive himself.
He changes the absorbed chakra into pills and devours them.
Then he restrains Naruto's movement with black rods. Boruto is saved from the explosion by Sasuke.
Sasuke takes Boruto to Naruto's side and tells him to use Rasengan.
Naruto is surprised: When did you learn it?
Boruto: But ninjutsu doesn't work on him.
Sasuke: Believe me.
Sasuke remembers Boruto's disappearing Rasengan.
佐助用仅剩的查克拉只能弄出骨架须佐的左手,博人坐在左手上对着绕到正在和我爱罗等人缠斗的百 式背后。
Sasuke creates a Susanoo left arm. Boruto sits on the arm to get to the back of Momoshiki while Gaara and others are stalling Momoshiki.
Boruto throws his Rasengan.
Momoshiki: Such thing won't work on me.
Just when he is prepared to absorb it, it disappears. Momoshiki is puzzled and then hit by the Rasengan.
Naruto wants Boruto to use Rasengan again but Boruto thinks his chakra is not enough to fight Momoshiki.
Naruto: Leave it to me.
He lets Boruto create a small Rasengan.
Then he pours his remaining chakra to the Rasengan to turn it into a Cho Oodama Rasengan.
It is a blue and gold Rasengan.
最后依然是佐助打辅助,博人大招上。打中百式直接把百式轰飞到了宇宙中。最后亲子螺旋丸炸裂,百式被轰成了 渣、就像放烟火一样,消失了。
Sasuke covers for Boruto. Momoshiki is hit and blows up like fireworks.
Sasuke and Boruto work really well.
Flashback to Team 7 VS Zabuza, a bit confusing to blogger
Boruto becomes Sasuke's katana, uses a trick to similar to the one Naruto and Sasuke used to break Zabuza's water prison that trapped Kakashi
Boruto is more crazy(?) than Naruto in pulling this.
In flashback, Kakashi saved Naruto when he was about to be attacked by Zabuza.
This time, Boruto throws himself at Momoshiki's palm to disable the chakra absorbing power.
This fight is so epic that the blogger can't describe it.
At the end, Momoshiki blows up and nothing remains.
قديم 07-27-2015, 08:20 PM
Hinata tries to advice Boruto, Boruto doesn't listen. Hinata shows a very sad expression.

Boruto: Come to think of it, Grandpa is also a hokage right? So all hokages are like this huh!? Grandpa died early, dad doesn't know this kind of pain right. It'll be good if this kind of father didn't exist from the start!
قديم 07-27-2015, 08:21 PM
في المباريات ناروتو يجلس كهوكاجي في مكانه
لكن وقت موعد مباراة بورتو يترك مقعده ويجلس عند هيناتا كاب

هههههههههههه قصف خارق

ناروتو يتصرف بمسؤولية تجاه ابنه عكس ساسكي
فرحانين لانه راح ينقذ سالاطا بوقت الاختتبار

لكن ذكر ان ناروتو سيترك انقاذ الاطفال لساسكي يعني ليس فقط سالاطا ههههههه

ساسكي انقذ اطفال القرية من الانجار وكان من ضمنهم سالاطا خخخ
قديم 07-27-2015, 08:58 PM
الفلم سيكون قتالي اكثر منه رومنسي
عكس فلم ذو لاست
خوض بوروتو لامتحانات التشونين رفقة فريقه
بوروتو سيرتكب الاخطاء فهو ابن ناروتو
سيكون مندفع بشجاعة ولا يخاف الموت فهو ابن هيناتا
واخيرا سيصبح اسطورة لانه ابن الاسطورة
ساسكي عامل زي الذيل التابع
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الساعة الآن 10:39 PM.

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