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صور أنمي اكبر و اروع تجمع لمحبي صور الانمي, هنا يستطيع محبي صور الأنمي تبادل جميع صور الأنيمي, صور انمي, صور انيمي الرائعة والمميزة.

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قديم 12-03-2015, 02:45 PM
  1. for starters his bed has the Uzumaki symbol on it meaning that it is probably costume made for him, or that at least they added it to an already existing bed from a store.
  2. he also has air conditioning which can be really useful on a place as humid as Konoha. Dry places can be really hot (example: Suna) but trust me when I say that humidity can make a day feel a lot hotter than it actually is
  3. he has a personal computer and a rotating chair
  4. there is also a lot of posters on the wall, what they are about can’t be analysed just yet
  5. there’s some picture frames but no idea on what the pictures are about; family is the most likely case
  6. these are most likely scrolls but some cardboards for school proyects is also a possibility
  7. a lot of books that we may or may not see what they are about
  8. a trash bin
  9. the air conditioner seems to be remote controlled
  10. clock may function as an alarm clock as well
  11. these could be speakers for the computer
  12. a fancy lamp on the ceiling
  13. more scrolls
  14. school and/or mission bagpack
Kitchen and dinning room
  1. fancy lamps hanging from the ceiling. If you pay extra attention to it you can see lamps inside the actual ceiling for illumination so the hanging lamps are likely just aesthetic
  2. there’s a frog on the counter but I am not sure of its purpose
  3. they were detailed enough to add soap and detergent to the dishwasher
  4. these are most likely spices for the food
  5. also a very big refrigerator for food storage, eating doesn’t seem to be a problem
  6. I can’t decide if this is a window or a bulleting board to be honest…
  7. plants everywhere!! indoors gardening seems to be working
  8. fancy curtains
  9. Hinata’s knitting supplies
  10. this may be the coffe or tea kettle
  11. the table has room for up to 6 people
  12. there are some notes or drawings on the fridge so maybe the kids made them
  13. bunny cushion is adorable
  14. a stool that Naruto is the only one likely to not use (it is convinently placed under the cupboard)
Dinning Room from the other side
  1. another air conditioner, hot days most be easy to get through
  2. windows
  3. most likely a mirror
  4. bunny and frog plushies
  5. more books
  6. looks like bread to me but I would apreciate a second opinion
  7. smiling frog cushion
  8. glass doors, they apear to be shaped like a half-circule
  9. tatami style doors
  10. coffe table
  11. more picture frames
  12. carpet
  13. air conditioner’s remote control
  14. house slipers
back of the house
  1. water tank
  2. seemingly more water tanks (how much water do they drink…)
  3. either the ceiling opens up to to get on top of it or that’s a solar panel
  4. balcony
  5. backdoor
  6. gardening tools
  7. lawnmower
  8. this is eaither for the air conditioner or an electric reactor
  9. pipework
  10. porch
  11. I have no idea what this is but is someone has an idea let me know…
  12. small lader
  13. wire work for electricity runs from the house
  14. to the regular electric towers
did I miss any important detail? let me know!!

قديم 12-03-2015, 07:34 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة !rin مشاهدة المشاركة
اهلا بعوتدك اختي الغالية هيماواري
وننتظر جديدك ربي يسعدك خليتيني ادمع من الضحك..
على كلامك انتي والاخت عاشقة هزيم الرعد
أهلًا بك أختي

الله يسعدك دائما

وانا كنت اشوف ردودك والصور الي تضعيها كلها جميلة وصورة التوقيع

قديم 12-03-2015, 07:36 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة himawari مشاهدة المشاركة
أهلًا بك أختي

الله يسعدك دائما

وانا كنت اشوف ردودك والصور الي تضعيها كلها جميلة وصورة التوقيع

حبيبتي والله اخجلتيني
ردودي وصوري وتوقيعي شوفتك لها زادتها جمال
قديم 12-03-2015, 07:40 PM

قديم 12-03-2015, 07:46 PM
Himawari and hyugalele like this.
موضوع مغلق

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الساعة الآن 11:21 AM.

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