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صور أنمي اكبر و اروع تجمع لمحبي صور الانمي, هنا يستطيع محبي صور الأنمي تبادل جميع صور الأنيمي, صور انمي, صور انيمي الرائعة والمميزة.

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قديم 06-22-2015, 08:05 PM
“That’s lame, you shitty dad.”

The child doesn’t share his parent’s ninja way.

The new era that has developed rapidly after the long-lasting wars. New ninja are reared and the five villages combine in the Chuunin Selection Exams which are now being held by the Seventh Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, within the village he leads, Konohagakure.

There are three genin classmates who train night and day at the village’s training grounds: Sasuke’s daughter, Sarada, who greatly admires Naruto; the superior shinobi Mitsuki, who holds many secrets; and Boruto, who holds great talent and calls Naruto a shitty dad.

Naruto, who doesn’t have time to spend with his family because of work, is resented by the lonely Boruto, who says “from the start, it would’ve been better if a parent like you didn’t exist.”

“Please make me your disciple!

There’s someone I want to beat!”

One night, Sasuke who had taken on a mission in a different dimension noticed a strange danger was approaching, and went to visit Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke talk about talk about shinobi of their mutual childhood’s era. As they do, Boruto hears from Sarada that Sasuke is Naruto’s “one and only rival”. Wanting to discover his father’s weak spot, Boruto begs Sasuke to take him on as an apprentice. Sasuke, who realises his friend’s situation, promises to be Boruto’s teacher “on one condition”. Boruto decides to apply for the Chuunin Selection Exams alongside Sarada and Mitsuki to show his real abilities to Naruto.
Boruto and the others persevere through the first examination, a match of intelligence, and the second examination, a match of teamwork. The third examination is one-on-one fighting in a coliseum, watched over by the Five Kage who lead every village. In the end, Boruto is clashing against Shikadai, the son of Shikamaru!

The sight of my father’s back…

Someone I must surpass.

At that time, a huge explosion that twists and warps space! A twosome who call themselves Momoshiki and Kinshiki appear, wrapped in an ominous atmosphere. Both of them wield the Rinnegan and tenaciously aim to take Naruto’s life. Sasuke protects Boruto, who is petrified and unable to do anything. Naruto, who was occupied by that and turned his back, disappears with a jutsu fired by Momoshiki. He leaves Boruto a smile…
The road that his father walked upon, and Boruto, who understood his father’s feelings for the first time. Along with Sasuke, who sees the past Naruto in Boruto’s small figure, and the Five Kage, Boruto goes towards another dimension where an impossible-to-match enemy awaits him. He’s resolved to be prepared for death if necessary!

قديم 06-22-2015, 08:39 PM
اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ~aurora
“That’s lame, you shitty dad.”

The child doesn’t share his parent’s ninja way.

The new era that has developed rapidly after the long-lasting wars. New ninja are reared and the five villages combine in the Chuunin Selection Exams which are now being held by the Seventh Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, within the village he leads, Konohagakure.

There are three genin classmates who train night and day at the village’s training grounds: Sasuke’s daughter, Sarada, who greatly admires Naruto; the superior shinobi Mitsuki, who holds many secrets; and Boruto, who holds great talent and calls Naruto a shitty dad.

Naruto, who doesn’t have time to spend with his family because of work, is resented by the lonely Boruto, who says “from the start, it would’ve been better if a parent like you didn’t exist.”

“Please make me your disciple!

There’s someone I want to beat!”

One night, Sasuke who had taken on a mission in a different dimension noticed a strange danger was approaching, and went to visit Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke talk about talk about shinobi of their mutual childhood’s era. As they do, Boruto hears from Sarada that Sasuke is Naruto’s “one and only rival”. Wanting to discover his father’s weak spot, Boruto begs Sasuke to take him on as an apprentice. Sasuke, who realises his friend’s situation, promises to be Boruto’s teacher “on one condition”. Boruto decides to apply for the Chuunin Selection Exams alongside Sarada and Mitsuki to show his real abilities to Naruto.
Boruto and the others persevere through the first examination, a match of intelligence, and the second examination, a match of teamwork. The third examination is one-on-one fighting in a coliseum, watched over by the Five Kage who lead every village. In the end, Boruto is clashing against Shikadai, the son of Shikamaru!

The sight of my father’s back…

Someone I must surpass.

At that time, a huge explosion that twists and warps space! A twosome who call themselves Momoshiki and Kinshiki appear, wrapped in an ominous atmosphere. Both of them wield the Rinnegan and tenaciously aim to take Naruto’s life. Sasuke protects Boruto, who is petrified and unable to do anything. Naruto, who was occupied by that and turned his back, disappears with a jutsu fired by Momoshiki. He leaves Boruto a smile…
The road that his father walked upon, and Boruto, who understood his father’s feelings for the first time. Along with Sasuke, who sees the past Naruto in Boruto’s small figure, and the Five Kage, Boruto goes towards another dimension where an impossible-to-match enemy awaits him. He’s resolved to be prepared for death if necessary!


رايت هذا ,,
ما لا أفهمه ماذا سيحصل هل سساسكي وبوروتو سيقاتلان الاشرار ؟!
وهل ناروتو فعلا نقل الى بعد آخر ؟!

هنا ترتيب الاحداث يظهر بشكل غير واضح
المهم الفلم واضح انه راائع

خصوصا جملة بورتو ذيك لناروتو شكل ناروتو كيف بكون يا ترى ؟!

~aurora likes this.
قديم 06-22-2015, 08:53 PM
وبورتو ضد ابن شيكامارو !

شتفوا منافسه ما راح بكون سالادا

كلمة منافس تعني من حيث المهارات

سالادا معجبة بناروتو وتريد ان تريه مهاراتها وتطورها

بورتو يريد التفوق على والده وان يريده مهارته

ربما من هنا جاءت كلمة منافسة وخصوصا انها بنفس فريقه

موضوع آخر
مو ناروتو كان االاخير على صفه وساسكي كان الاول عشان هيك كانوا بنفس الفريق ؟!

طيب فرق بورتو وسالادا وميتسوكي

اظن قرات ان ميتسوكي هو المتفوق على الجيل في الاكادمية

طيب كيف وضعوا فرق كله اشخاص مميزين ؟!

مبارة ابن شيكمارو مع بورتو بتكون جميلة !

خصوصا انه واضح انه مش لدرجة شيكامارو في الكسل
قديم 06-22-2015, 09:02 PM
هيماواري اي جملة تقصدين ؟

“That’s lame, you shitty dad.”

أو عندما قال إنه من الأفضل لو لم تكن موجود

بوروتو بعد كل شيء سيقدر والده ويحترمه كثيراً

وعلى كل تعجبني هذه الدراما علاقة الابن بأباه
احسن من دراما من هي امي المملة
Himawari likes this.
قديم 06-22-2015, 09:07 PM
اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ~aurora
هيماواري اي جملة تقصدين ؟

“That’s lame, you shitty dad.”

أو عندما قال إنه من الأفضل لو لم تكن موجود

بوروتو بعد كل شيء سيقدر والده ويحترمه كثيراً

وعلى كل تعجبني هذه الدراما علاقة الابن بأباه
احسن من دراما من هي امي المملة

جملة الافضل لو لم يكن موجودا من البداية
تخيلي وجه ناروتو لو سمعها ؟!

اكيييييد هذي الدراما ولا بلاش !

دراما سالادا ما كان الها معنى !
كانت جيدة في البداية بعدين صارت مبتذلة بشكل كبير !
يعني متابعين المانجا تركوا مانجا جايدن بسبب مووضوع من امي !

اما موضوع بورتو يختلف
هو يعرف انه والده ولكن ما بفهمه !
وما بفهم سبب عمله الذي لا ينتهي
ولماذا لا يقضي وقت معه !

بعدين هذي الدارما راح تكون لقطات !
مو مثل سالادا طول المانجا على دراما !
ولا قتال ولا شي !

اما بالفلم شرير محترم !
يعني بياكوجان
ورينجان !

يعني اول قلت مبالغة يقدرون يسبحوا ناورتو
بس هم ثنين وضد ناروتو مع كل الامكانيات !

وكلام بورتو بجعل الكل يتشوق على كيف بتحول بورتو لشخص يحترم ناورتو ويقدره

هذه المشاعر ستظهر بالفلم وهو شيء سيجزده جمالا اتشوف للامر

~aurora likes this.
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الساعة الآن 07:26 PM.

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