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قديم 04-16-2015, 02:18 AM

HinataHyuga likes this.
قديم 04-16-2015, 10:31 AM
'Boruto:Naruto the Movie" is one of the most anticipated Japanese manga movie this August 7, 2015. Masashi Kishimoto features Boruto, the son of Naruto and the rest of the new generation ninjas of Konoha ready to take on the new challenges and enemies aiming to conquer Konoha. The 64th Pal Rasengan Technique may be featured as one of Boruto's new found power as he and his friends tried to defend Konoha from an old villain seeking revenge in their town.

The 64th Pal Rasengan Technique is one of the legendary ninja techniques that can be only passed on within the Hyuga clan. Boruto, being the son of Naruto and Hinata has the capabilities and the blood line to complete and perform the dangerous technique. The technique is a new version of the Gentle Fist fighting style, the technique Hinata is known for. With the Byakugan's near 360 degree field of vision, the user envisions an eight trigrams circle making him capable of hitting his enemies with a series of violent blows. Striking 64 of the tenketsu throughout the opponents Chakra system hinders the chakra to flow making the opponent unable to move and stand.

This is believed to be the technique Boruto will use to be able to defeat an old villain about to return to Konoha - Orochimaru.

Another interesting plot to look forward to series is Boruto's upcoming love story with Salada, Sakura and Sasuke's daughter. Naruto, is also set to become the 7th Hokage of Konoha as Kakashi retires from his post to explore and discover new things outside Konoha.

Screenshots of the 'Boruto: Naruto the Movie' were recently revealed on its official movie website Boruto-Movie.com. According to the website, the 'Boruto: Naruto the Movie" will be released nationwide in Japan on August 7, 2015. Yuko Sanpei and Kikuchi Heart of the teen group New Generation will be the voices behind Bolt and Sasada, respectively.

قديم 04-16-2015, 02:25 PM
التلر نزل شفتوا ؟؟!

مأ أعجبني غير ناروتو طالع هيبة

ساسكي ما أدري كيف اقول شكله كان غريب خ
قديم 04-16-2015, 02:27 PM
هههههه للأسف لم تظهر هيماري الصغيرة أو هيناتا خ

لكن بورتو ما أعجبني غضب1

يبدو بالفعل مثل دراغون بول شخصيته مبينة مزعجة

بس أكيد حلو
قديم 04-16-2015, 02:28 PM
سالادا لم يظهر اي شيء غير تلك اللقطة تعدل نظارتها فقط خ

لكن ويبدو على الأغلب أنها ستكون شخصية هادئة جدا

ههههههههههههههههه منيح انها مش مثل ساكورا

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الساعة الآن 04:23 AM.

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