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صور أنمي اكبر و اروع تجمع لمحبي صور الانمي, هنا يستطيع محبي صور الأنمي تبادل جميع صور الأنيمي, صور انمي, صور انيمي الرائعة والمميزة.

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قديم 04-26-2015, 02:05 AM
مانغا كيبا ورحلة بحثه عن شريكة الحياة
ههههههههههههه يعني لا نرى الرومنسي ساسوساكو في القصة ههههه ام تراه يحلب المعزة

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قديم 04-26-2015, 08:02 PM
كواليس الصورة العائلية
بوروتو مضحك حقا يغار على هيناتا من ناروتو
يا بوروتو ناورتو زوج هيناتا ههههههه
واضح بوروتو يحب هيناتا كثيرا
لا اعرف ان كان هذا الكلام حقيقي لكنه مسلي جدا

It was a wonderful and sunny day in Konohagakure, not too cold and not too hot. An even more exceptional day for a family photo.

So then…Why was she blushing?

“Ok now, I’ve finally gotten the camera fixed. Now move in together…” The photographer said. A few technical difficulties got in the way of their family photo. But now it seems that it’s perfectly fine and fixed.

She looked up to the towering figure next to her. Naruto’s arm outstretched from his own body to the middle of her back, where his hand rested at. It was resting there for quite some time, even when he didn’t need to since the photographer was trying to fix the camera. His excuse was “Well, at any time the camera can be fixed. Gotta be ready -ttbayo!”

“Oi, Bolt, Himawari, you heard the man. Get in more!” He ordered to his children. Their children. She loved how that sounded. Theirs.

She heard Bolt grumble as Himawari quickly yelled a, “Ok daddy!” to her father and they both moved more in.

Bolt looked up wondering if anyone heard him and he saw his mother staring lovingly at him. He blushed loving the attention that his mother was giving him. He loves her so much. He never wants to disappoint or upset her ever. Although it was a bit contradictory to his pranks, since it seems as if he didn’t care if she’s dissatisfied by his pranks, which were to get his father’s attention. Either way he loves his mother, even though he doesn’t openly show it because of him being embarrassed. However his father’s hand on his mother…

Himawari quickly joined her hands to the her front. Naruto looked down at her and smiled gently. His cute little sunflower. His eyes moved to Bolt and he saw that he was making many faces to the camera. A tick mark appeared on his head as he saw what his son was doing. ‘That little…'

“Oi, Bolt stop being so improper and just smile dattebayo!”

“Tch. I’ll stop doing that once you stop being a perverted old man! Get your hands off of my mother dattebasa!“

"Nani?! What did you just call me?! Why you little…! She’s my wife dattebayo!"

Naruto was about to teach the little brat a lesson when he felt a hand on his arm and stop him. He looked down to see his wife shaking her head.

Hinata sighed and looked at Bolt ready to give a lecture, but was surprised at what she saw. He was looking at the camera with a photo-ready-smile. Although she was a bit confused, she decide to leave it at that for now since they had to get this photo done and the photographer was looking a bit annoyed by their antics.

Bolt didn’t want to upset his mother…

Himawari looked at her brother and excitedly said, "Nii-chan, are we going to play ninja after this?"

"Ah, of course! I’m going to show you all my cool moves dattebasa!"

Himawari smiled, delighted. "Alright now please smile!” The photographer said in exasperation, wanting to get over this.

…but that didn’t mean he still wouldn’t do it.

Naruto looked over his whole family, and couldn’t help but feel the swell of pride and familial love towards them all. He smiled to the camera, wanting it to show how he loves his family. He stretched out a bit from them, wanting the world to see his family. His hand was still resting on his beautiful wife, Hinata. God he loves her, which is why he needed to have at least some part of him touching her.

Hinata noticed that Naruto’s large, warm, and comforting hand was still resting on her back. She blushed a little as she smiled to the camera, trying to fight off the blush.

Himawari smiled at the camera with her hands still joined together, looking like the prefect little sunflower that she is.

‘Man I want to look so badass…’ Bolt’s face lit up with an idea as he morphed the expression on his face into a “don’t mess with me” expression.

The photographer couldn’t help but smile. What a sunshine family.


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قديم 04-26-2015, 08:15 PM
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قديم 04-26-2015, 08:17 PM
Mary @ likes this.
قديم 04-26-2015, 10:27 PM
الساسوساكو في المواقع الاجنبية يستنكرون فعلة ساسكي بتركه ابنته طيلة 12 عام وعدم رؤيتها
منهم من ينعته بالاحمق ومنهم من ينعته بالحقير والفاظ اخرى لا داعي لذكرها وبعديم الابوة وعديم المسؤولية والهاجر
باختصار ساسكي سقط من عيونهم فقد كانوا بانين افكارهم على ان بعد توبة ساسكي سيعود ويعيش مع ساكورا وينجبون اطفال مثل ناورتو وهيناتا وبقية الاصدقاء
ورايناهم رسمو قصص مصورة ورسومات اخرى ساسكي مع ساكورا اي زفافهما ولعب ساسكي مع ابنته وغيرها من الخيالات التي سرحو بها بعيدا جدا
ولكن كل شيء تحطم على صخرة الواقع ان ساسكي هجر ابنته منذ ولادتها وان سارادا لم تره في حياتها ههههههههههههههههههههه تحطم حقيقي
يعني كل ما تخيلوه كان فشنك فقاعة وانفجرت
وفوقها الرواية التي غسلت ادمغتهم وزادت الطين بلة حتى يتضح انها لا يعتد بها وان الواقع شيء اخر
وفوقها للان مازالوا يجهلون من هي ام سارادا كارين ام ساكورا
كيشي عقد عليهم الامور ولم يجعلهم يهنؤون بالثنائي حتى ادخل كارين في القصة
من البداية لم رسم كيشي سارادا بالنظارة وبملامح كارين يعني هو من البداية كان مبيت على القصة قبل حتى نهاية القصة الاصلية فالشابتر 700 تابع للقصة السابقة ورسمه لسارادا بذلك الشكل من البداية يعني ان كيشي لديه رؤيا مستقبلية بل ومخطط للاحداث القادمة
الساسوساكو احتفلو بعد الشابتر 700 لكن لم يفكرو لم شكل سرادا هكذا وما سيحتوي الموسم الثالث
ان تحقق ان تكون كارين ام سارادا او يكون لها النصيب في امومة سارادا كل ما سيقوله الساسوساكو ان الموسم الثالث غير معترف به او فلر
السؤال يطرح نفسه لم اظهر كيشي كارين وجعل سارادا تتعرف عليها هذا السؤال الساسوساكو يرفضون الاجابة عليه خوفا من شيء يكرهون حدوثه
كيشي لا يقحم كارين او يرسم سارادا بذلك الشكل دون سبب
في كل الحالات كارين لها يد في الساسوساكو
يعني الساسوساكو والساسوكارين يتقاسمون سارادا
حاليا الساسوكارين يعتمدون على ما ينشر في المجلة والسكاتشات والمعلومات
لكنت الشابتر هو ما سيوضح اكثر
فكيشي لم يقحم كارين عبثا ولم يجعل ساسكي يهجر سارادا عبثا
الساسوساكو مستاؤون لان كيشي لم يمنحهم السعادة التي حظي بها الناروهينا
نكد عليهم اكثر واكثر
وفوق النكد اضيف نكدا اخر
يعني ساسكي لم يشهد مراحل طفولة ابنته الوحيدة وحرمها من ابسط حقوقها كطفلة لها عليه حق الابوة ويعود ليدرب بوروتو هههههههههههههه
اعتقد علبى سارادا ان تتبرأ منه
موضوع مغلق

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الساعة الآن 12:03 PM.

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