عــالم عشـاق الثنـائي ناروهينـا و أولادهـم: تحليلات ـ مانغا ـ نقاشات ـ توقعات ـ رسومات ـ صور ـ مرح .. - الصفحة 1873 - عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي
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قديم 10-06-2015, 04:19 AM

قديم 10-06-2015, 04:20 AM
عديمة الفائدة حقا لقد استحقت هذا اللقب اوه شكرا لتذكيري كيف نسيت عبارة نسيت ان اتنفس ههههههههههههههههههههههههه يالسخف هل تتوقعون من شخص كهذا ان يكون له دور مؤثر او ينقذ عزيزا على قلبه من الظلمة اولا واخيرا الشكر لناروتو البطل المضحي الذي عاش طوال حياته على مبادئه التي لم يحد عنها يوما وانقذ صديقه كما وعد وهنا يبرز الرابط القوي والجميل بصراحة فهيناتا عاشت بمبدا ناروتو كانت تؤمن بقدراته و بمبداه وقد اعلنت ذلك صراحة وكما قلت اختي فكل منهما قدم للاخر فناروتو ساعد هيناتا وهيناتا ساعدت ناروتو هذا هو الرابط الحقيقي والدليل على قوة المشاعر
قديم 10-06-2015, 04:25 AM
انت على حق فكيشي جعل ناروهينا حب حقيقي وتضحية وبطولة وجمال
قديم 10-06-2015, 04:26 AM
بالمناسبة كيف هي اخبار الاستعداد للاحتفال بعيد ميلاد ناروتو
قديم 10-06-2015, 05:41 PM
مرااااحب ...!!
أولا أهلا بشيكامارو عضوا جديدا بيننا (^_^)

ثانيا : لمن يريد معرفة المزيد عن تاريخ مانجا ناروتو ( الهامه في اسماء الشخصيات كنيجي وغارا رغم ان الناشر هو من فرض عليه اسم غارا)وبدايات كيشي العسيرة فل يطلع على التالي ( مقابلة حصرية 2013)
كيشي كناروتو تماما كان يسعى وراء نيل اعتراف الآخرين به كانسان. وانه في بداياته واجه الكثير من العقبات كشخص وكطالب لا سيما من الناشر الذي بدأ مسيرته معه وكان يثبط دائما من عزيمته كمانجاكا وينتقد كل اعماله لكن كيشي تحدى ذلك الشخص وكانت له الغلبة في النهاية وصار واحد من اشهر المانجاكا على الكرة الارضية ، كيشي كان يحلم لو كان بمقدوره الحصول على استاذ لا يصيح في وجهه ويسخر من انجازاته كان يتمنى استاذا يدعمه وينصحه بالتي هي احسن...
قصة حب ناروتو للايتشيراكو رامن مستوحات من مطعم الايتشيراكو الذي كان متواجدا قرب الكلية التي كان يرتادها.
قصة ناروتو كان من المفترض تكون عن الرامن ثم عن السحر فكر بالساموراي كخيار لكن لم يعجب بالفكرة اما عالم النينجا فكيشي لم يكن مهتما به اساسا....
اليكم المقابلة الجزء الاول:

Please, tell us about how Naruto started.

Kishimoto : Naruto wasn't supposed to be about ninjas.

Really ?

Kishimoto : It was supposed to be about a teenager named Naruto cooking ramen. But my editor of that time told me "It will never gonna work."
I had to find something else and this became a story about ninjas.
After my cooking manga got refused, I created a monster/ghost story in which Naruto was a fox-man who could change others people's form.
To add more variety to this magic, I decided after that to add ninjutsu.
Of my first idea, only the name is still there.

So the name Naruto come from this type of surimi there is in ramen ?

Kishimoto : Yes. Back then I loved ramen. In front of my college, there was this place called "Ichiraku" where I used to eat ramen.

I never knew Naruto favorite place actually existed. So after some trying, you set your eyes on a ninja story.
Do you like ninja folklore ?

Kishimoto : Nothing like that, really. But I like Japanese type stories and folklore.
I tried going for a Samurai Story, I had no price and no favorable answer.
From my own point of view it was more about the paper and less about the story.

What ? You're gonna give more details about that.

Kishimoto : The Paper Store I used to go didn't have B4 manga sheets and paper anymore.
So the store lady cut the paper herself, but it wasn't the right size.

Too small ?

Kishimoto : No, too big. When I started to put the paper into the enveloppe, I realized thoses were far too big.
So I created a custom enveloppe myself. If you ask me, I obviously failed because the paper wasn't the right size.

What a touching story.

Kishimoto : I never really had a confirmation on that. Still, I didn't gave up on doing a Japanese style story.
But the samurai story didn't work out, so I figured I was gonna try ninjas. But in Jump, we had "Ninku" already.
That wasn't really the best moment to create a ninja story. "Ninku" already created something quite original by fusing Ninja Arts and Karate.
I had to find something else, something new to add on. That was quite the challenge. But that challenge is exactly was motivated me.
I felt that, of the multiple japanese themes, ninjas was the right one to choose. I tried my luck with that.

And this year, it's been 13 years of serialization.

Kishimoto : Whatever I'm doing, before actually doing it, I use to do a full research on that topic, by searching at the library, by reading mangas on that topic etc ...
I had a large stock of ideas before starting. My preparation time was actually quite long.

You mean between when Jump gave you the all green and the release of the 1st chapter ?

Kishimoto : In jump, there is 4 annual meeting where we decide the new mangas. Usually, when it's decided, the 1st episode gets published the next month.
But for a reason I didn't know, Naruto started with the mangas of the next meeting, THREE months later !

You mean you had a empty 3 or 4 months between the decision jump took to publish Naruto and the actual publication of chapter 1 ?

Kishimoto : During this time, I change the "rough" multiple times. When Naruto's 1st chapter got published, I was aready done with the 8th chapter. I took a lot of advance so I could work without stress to put the series on good track.
I really think if I didn't have as much time to prepare the series, we wouldn't be there talking right now.

So you did have time to thing about the characters and what is a ninja ?

Kishimoto : Yes, I did that too. My editor gave me "Kouga Ninpou Chou" and "Iga Ninpou Chou" two classic ninja stories.
I read Kouga, but didn't have time to finish Iga.

When you start creating a character, do you go for the name or for the looks first ?

Kishimoto : 50/50 I guess. Sometime I draw and then I give the character his personality and name.
Sometimes it's the total opposite. I give him his name and the start to draw him.

Can you give us an exemple where the character's looks came first ?

Kishimoto : Zabuza ! I wante
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الساعة الآن 09:29 PM.

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