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صور أنمي اكبر و اروع تجمع لمحبي صور الانمي, هنا يستطيع محبي صور الأنمي تبادل جميع صور الأنيمي, صور انمي, صور انيمي الرائعة والمميزة.

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قديم 10-06-2015, 06:08 PM
هذا الجزء متعلق بهوس كيشي بالناروساكو
ههههههههههههههههههههههههههه أمزح!!! Xp

الجزء متعلق بعلاقة ناروتو وساسكي الاخوية:
During a chapter, Naruto tells Itachi that Sasuke is like a brother to him. Is that what you were going from the start ?

Kishimoto : I wanted them to be more brothers than blood brothers. I can tell you that is for me the hardest thing to put into words in this story. And still is.
People who actually lived through harsh separations and death of loved ones often write me and tells me they can actually relate to them.
When I am close to someone, I’m scared shitless of one day that bond will be severed. Loneliness does scares me to death.
This may be hard to put into words, but I’ll still try to make my point stand to the readers.

So you think you still didn’t really managed to put into words what is the relation between Naruto and Sasuke ?

Kishimoto : I don’t know. Maybe I didn’t as well as I wanted to, and because of that almost everyone thinks both of them are crazy lunatics.
From on now, everything will depend on how well I can put their relationship into words.

You're talking about both of them, right ?

Kishimoto : Yes. If you want me to talk about their bonds, I created Sasuke as a rival to Naruto who does not see Naruto as a rival at all.
I found it interesting to have Naruto next to someone who couldn't care less about him. As the story advances, Sasuke starts to see, little by little, Naruto as a rival.
But he leaves the village without really aknowledging Naruto.

When he watched Naruto growing up, Sasuke started to grow a very vivid rivalry with someone he barely noticed before.

Kishimoto : After the Valley of the end, the gap gets larger. But when someone who just started to aknowledge you, brutally reject you, you strive for even more aknowledgement.
But Sasuke still doesn't see Naruto as his equal. I think and I hope Naruto will fight to the bitter end until Sasuke sees him as his closest ally.
قديم 10-06-2015, 06:12 PM
In the manga, their final battle with start soon. As a reader, I can't wait to see what will happen before the end.

Kishimoto : The story gets to its climax and but I'm still thinking about a lot of plot twists.

This is very exciting. Can you give a message to the readers ?

Kishimoto : Those two books have a lot of famous scenes and lines. If one of them can make you feel better about yourself, I will be happy.


ههههههههههههه تعليق المترجم الأخير مضحك أكيد سينحنون لك احتراما
الترجمة كانت لياغامي من ناروتو فوريم أكيد معظمكم تعرفونه(^_^)

فهو من الناروهينا !!!!!
قديم 10-06-2015, 06:16 PM
تخيلو... ناروتو كان من المفترض يصير طباخ !
استطيع تخيله هكذا:

قديم 10-06-2015, 06:29 PM
أيضا ... صار بالامكان الحصول على الفلم الأخير بنسخة مدبلجة انجليزيا.
المفاجىء أن الفانز اعجبو باداء من مثل صوت ناروتو في الفلم اذ تفوق على جانكو نفسها في نمط الحوارات سيما مشهد الاعتراف كان واقعيا جدا وبدا ناروتو متوترا تثناء اعترافه هههههه
غريب كيف أن الفلم الاخير لا يزال يقصف باخباره الى اليوم رغم ان فلم بوروتو أحدث منه.
قديم 10-06-2015, 06:38 PM
لون ملابس محارب الساموراي الخاصة بناروتو تتناسب مع الكيمونو الخاص بهيناتا

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الساعة الآن 11:08 PM.

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