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قديم 10-15-2015, 04:04 AM
هدية قبل النوم:
Finally, thanks to the new fanbook/databook, we know what it’s supposed to do.

Strong will held in the fists!!
Its form is double lion heads!!
日向一族の中でも宗家にしか伝わっていない、柔拳秘伝高等体術。両手から放出するチャクラを形態変化させることで、リーチと破壊力を格段に向上させる。その腕はまるで獅子のような様相を呈し、触れた相手の経絡系を 喰らい尽くすのだ。
A secret high-level juuken technique, taught only to the main family of the Hyuuga clan. By changing the shape of chakra released from both hands, [the user] greatly increases reach and destructive power. The arms become entirely like lions which drain the chakra network of those they touch.
Because it will fail at even the slightest mistake in chakra control, it is extremely difficult to learn this ability, which is a feat that requires the Byakugan.
Yeah, so basically, chakra-eating lions.
قديم 10-15-2015, 08:08 AM
صباح الخير عائلة الناروهينا
كيف كانت مشاهدة الفيلم
قديم 10-15-2015, 12:19 PM
قائمة بالمقابلات الرسمية التي تدعم الثنائي ناروهينا وخيارات كيشي....:
“Naruto to Hinata no ren’ai”
“Romance of Naruto and Hinata”
*Caption from this official TV program video.*
A list of interviews that include NaruHina or NaruHina related topics since the finale of the series. Ranging from Kishimoto interviews/comments, to official TV programs, and staff interviews/commentary.
NaruHina has been mentioned and spoken about the most, therefore making a list seemed to be ideal for organization purposes.
Interviews with Masashi Kishimoto (creator)
ENTERMIX Magazine Interview – Kishimoto confirms he planned Hinata ending up withNaruto quite a while ago.
NikkanSports Interview – Kishimoto talks about the NaruHina kiss and how he felt like his children had grown up.
Eiga.com Interview – Kishimoto confirms (again) that NaruHina was planned since the very early stages of the story and NaruSaku was a mislead.
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Full Kishimoto Interview] – For the third time, Kishimoto states that he planned for Naruto and Hinata to get together. Due to his embarrassment when it comes to romance, he wasn’t going to actually draw the love story. That’s why when the movie idea was proposed to him, he happily went along with it and thought it was great. Also mentions the scarf symbolizes love and why he went with NaruHina. He confirms that the 2 year timeskip/gap for the movie was his own idea.
Complete Guide: Using Jutsu Compilation – Kishimoto picks out Naruto and Hinata as his favorite male and female characters (full dialogue translated this post). The host mentions that if we knew that at the beginning then we would have known the ending (pairing wise).
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Kishimoto interview continued] – Kishimoto tells us his favorite scenes in the movie: His first choice being when Naruto got “rejected”, and he also likes the “parting” scene of Naruto and Sakura (where they realize they are not each other’s romantic interests), as well as when Sakura is speaking on behalf of Hinata’s feelings to Naruto.
Asahi Shimbun Interview – Kishimoto states the The Last is a love story that depicts what happens between chapters 699 and 700.
Teaser Trailer For The Last – Kishimoto confirms he made the staff rewrite the script many times. He states “I went about doing the character design while imagining them as ‘adults’. I made them rewrite the script many times. Well they must have thought I was annoying. But I think it became an interesting movie so everyone please come to watch it!”
FUJI TV: KOBAYASHI NARUTO END SPECIAL – Kishimoto makes a comment that Neji ‘s death brought Naruto and Hinata closer.
WalkerPlus.Com Interview – Kishimoto talks about the homage of Boruto’s name (tribute to Neji), and also how his “children” are married. That he created both Naruto and Hinata since they were little, and it felt like raising children. He was both happy and sad when they kissed and doesn’t know how to put the feeling into words. Some VA’s comments on the kiss as well.
Fan Interview (TV Program)– Kishimoto confirms the scarf plot in The Last is based on his own personal experience with his wife. The dialogue is as follows:
Fan: Kishimoto-sensei, did any of your own romantic experiences make it into the movie?
Kishimoto: A little bit.
Fan: Oh, where?
Kishimoto: Well… giving the scarf…
Narrator: This time in Naruto, a scarf knit by a girl has become an essential item.
Kishimoto: The staff was gathered and we were making the story, (they were saying things) like “a scarf in this day and age?” “People do that?” (I said) “I’m sorry, I got a scarf that my wife knit,” and everyone got quiet… (Translation by honyakusha-eri​)

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Pilote_Love ; 10-15-2015 الساعة 12:32 PM
قديم 10-15-2015, 12:30 PM
Staff Interviews
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Full Junko Takeuchi Interview] – Naruto’s voice actress states that while she was surprised at how fleshed out the romance in the movie was, she is happy for Naruto and Hinata. Plus other comments on the movie.
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Full Nana Mizuki Interview] – Hinata’s voice actress is very happy with movie. Her feelings, reaction, and message to the fans.
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Full Tsuneo Kobayashi (director) commentary] – The director of the movie talks about the production and progress of the movie starting at the idea proposal with Kishimoto. He speaks of scenes and highlights, also mentioning that Kishimoto wrote some of the lines in the movie, such as “it takes time to knit a scarf”.
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Full Maruo Kyozuka (screenplay) commentary] – Kyozuka talks about the movie highlights and states Naruto and Hinata are truly the best couple.
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Full Yasunori Ebina (sound director) commentary] – The sound director’s comments, and congrats to Naruto and Hinata. Ebina states he would be happy if all of the viewers empathize with the love story between the two of them.
The Last Official Program Guidebook (Black Book) [Cast commentary] – Aside from Naruto and Hinata’s voice actresses, the rest of the cast added comments as well. NaruHina related things are mentioned specifically by Chie Nakamaru (Sakura), who said the romance scene made her blush (and is also a highlight), and Kazuhiko Inoue (Kakashi), who said he was happy when Naruto confessed to Hinata, thinking he’s become a man.
Dogatch.JP Interview – Toneri’s VA comments, some Kishimoto comments, etc.
Anime Express – Junko talks about various loves in the series commenting that 「 ヒナタは相変わらず一途な愛がカワイイ 」 “Hinata’s ever-unchanging earnest love is cute”
قديم 10-15-2015, 12:35 PM
Official TV Programs
TV Interview with Kishimoto Plus Fan Commentary – “Romance of Naruto and Hinata”. This is the same video where Kishimoto picks out Naruto and Hinata as his favorite characters. The narrator and neutral fans talk about NaruHina’s relationship, as well as their children born at the end. They also deem NaruSaku as “impossible”. At the end it says Hinata has had romantic feelings for Naruto since she was little, and just as those feelings are about to pay off (literally: bear fruit) that’s when… (cuts to “Naruto-kun, sayounara” scene). (Thank you honyakusha-eri)
Another Teaser For The Last – In which Kishimoto states “Sakura has the feel of a sensitive, sharp, beautiful older sister.” (Translation by honyakusha-eri) Also talks about character images and designs.
NaruHina has been talked about quite a bit, ne? This way people won’t have a very difficult time searching for any of these, as they are all right here. I certainly agree with the screenplay writer’s comments.
Special thanks to honyakusha-eri and Organic Dinosaur as the main translators. We all greatly appreciate your hard work. ♡
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الساعة الآن 12:56 PM.

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