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قديم 03-31-2015, 01:58 PM
لعبة الذكاء الرائعه نسخه مدفوعه وكامله Tetrobot And Co. v1.0

Tetrobot And Co. v1.0

About This Game
Tetrobot is the world's most popular and reliable robot, but he's not perfect. That's why I, Maya, have built him a microscopic little brother, Psychobot.
Help me guide Psy through Tetrobot's cogs and circuits: by swallowing blocks of matter and spitting them out, we can repair anything. Learn how pipes, lasers, fans and other electronic devices work, learn how to alter the chemical properties of slime, and collect all the memory blocks that you find on the way.
The owners of damaged Tetrobots all around the world rely on us because we are the only people who can repair their precious robots.
Key Features
Pure puzzle gameplay for gamers who like to give their minds a workout.
Over 50 levels to play and even more secrets to unlock.
Original music composed by Morusque (Knytt Stories, Saira, Blocks That Matter, Exodus)
Find out what became of Tetrobot, Alexey, Markus and Maya, 15 years after "Blocks That Matter.

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