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قديم 01-06-2009, 05:23 AM
رد: الشاطر بالنجليزي يدخل اوة يفرجيناااا ابداعوووو

Exhibit / exhibition /exhibitor .it has two meaning 1st to display especially publicly .. 2nd to present to a court in legal form .
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-06-2009, 05:27 AM
رد: الشاطر بالنجليزي يدخل اوة يفرجيناااا ابداعوووو

can you say this sentence as fast a you can ? (she sit on the sheet on the sheet she sit )
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-15-2009, 01:16 PM
رد: الشاطر بالنجليزي يدخل اوة يفرجيناااا ابداعوووو

of the word (arab) The menning .... it mean a member of the semitic people of the arabian peninsula in southwest asia 2- a member of the arabic speaking people
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 01-15-2009, 01:27 PM
رد: الشاطر بالنجليزي يدخل اوة يفرجيناااا ابداعوووو

Arabic (الْعَرَبيّة al-ʿarabiyyah (informally: عَرَبيْ ʿarabī)), in terms of the number of speakers, is the largest living member of the Semitic language family. In ISO 639-3, modern Arabic is classified as a macrolanguage with 27 sub-languages. These varieties are spoken throughout the Arab world, and Standard Arabic is widely studied and used throughout the Islamic world.
Modern Standard Arabic derives from Classical Arabic, the only surviving member of the Old North Arabian dialect group, attested in Pre-Islamic Arabic inscriptions dating back to the 4th century.[5] Classical Arabic has also been a literary language and the liturgical language of Islam since its inception in the 7th century.
Arabic has lent many words to other languages of the Islamic world. During the Middle Ages, Arabic was a major vehicle of culture in Europe, especially in science, mathematics and philosophy. As a result, many European languages have also borrowed numerous words from it. Arabic influence is seen in Mediterranean languages, particularly Spanish, Portuguese, and Sicilian, due to both the proximity of European and Arab civilization and 700 years of Berber and Arab rule in the Iberian peninsula (see Al-Andalus).
Arabic has also borrowed words from many languages, including Greek, Persian and Sanskrit in early centuries, and contemporary European languages in modern times.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 07-05-2010, 01:21 PM

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