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حوارات ونقاشات الانمي قسم خاصة بنقاشات مسلسلات الانمي وحلقاتها واسرارها و تحليل جميع الشخصيات وابطال الانمي

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قديم 06-22-2015, 08:06 PM
“That’s lame, you shitty dad.”

The child doesn’t share his parent’s ninja way.

The new era that has developed rapidly after the long-lasting wars. New ninja are reared and the five villages combine in the Chuunin Selection Exams which are now being held by the Seventh Hokage, Uzumaki Naruto, within the village he leads, Konohagakure.

There are three genin classmates who train night and day at the village’s training grounds: Sasuke’s daughter, Sarada, who greatly admires Naruto; the superior shinobi Mitsuki, who holds many secrets; and Boruto, who holds great talent and calls Naruto a shitty dad.

Naruto, who doesn’t have time to spend with his family because of work, is resented by the lonely Boruto, who says “from the start, it would’ve been better if a parent like you didn’t exist.”

“Please make me your disciple!

There’s someone I want to beat!”

One night, Sasuke who had taken on a mission in a different dimension noticed a strange danger was approaching, and went to visit Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke talk about talk about shinobi of their mutual childhood’s era. As they do, Boruto hears from Sarada that Sasuke is Naruto’s “one and only rival”. Wanting to discover his father’s weak spot, Boruto begs Sasuke to take him on as an apprentice. Sasuke, who realises his friend’s situation, promises to be Boruto’s teacher “on one condition”. Boruto decides to apply for the Chuunin Selection Exams alongside Sarada and Mitsuki to show his real abilities to Naruto.
Boruto and the others persevere through the first examination, a match of intelligence, and the second examination, a match of teamwork. The third examination is one-on-one fighting in a coliseum, watched over by the Five Kage who lead every village. In the end, Boruto is clashing against Shikadai, the son of Shikamaru!

The sight of my father’s back…

Someone I must surpass.

At that time, a huge explosion that twists and warps space! A twosome who call themselves Momoshiki and Kinshiki appear, wrapped in an ominous atmosphere. Both of them wield the Rinnegan and tenaciously aim to take Naruto’s life. Sasuke protects Boruto, who is petrified and unable to do anything. Naruto, who was occupied by that and turned his back, disappears with a jutsu fired by Momoshiki. He leaves Boruto a smile…
The road that his father walked upon, and Boruto, who understood his father’s feelings for the first time. Along with Sasuke, who sees the past Naruto in Boruto’s small figure, and the Five Kage, Boruto goes towards another dimension where an impossible-to-match enemy awaits him. He’s resolved to be prepared for death if necessary
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-22-2015, 08:42 PM
برغي عاق ..
المهم .. اثنين من حملة الرينيجان والبياكوجان وأكيد من دم عشيرة الأوتسوتسكي .. أتوا ليأخذو ناروتو فقط ..
سلطة معجبة بناروتو كثيرا ^^
قضية موت ناروتو لا أعتقد صحيحة .. لكن يبدو بزوع قوة البرغي هي الصحيحة .. أتسائل كيف سيتجاوز ناروتو ومن هالتخريف
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-22-2015, 09:01 PM
لاادري ماالدافع لاخد ناروتو فقط مالذي يريدون منه
مسألة اعجاب سلطة (كثيرا ايضا خخخخ) اريد تفسيرا لها في قادم الفصول او حتى الفلم
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-22-2015, 09:07 PM
و لااعتقد ان البرغي سيتجاوز ناروتو
الذكاء وحده لاينفع
لا ادري من اين سيأتي بالقوة او على الاقل مالدى ناروتو
اراها مستحيلة #

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 06-22-2015, 10:56 PM
السبب توضح يا أيمن .. عن الكلام اللي تكلم فيه ناروتو عن الروابط .. الغريب أن ناروتو ألقى على مسامع سلطة كلام جميل أقنعها به ولم يفعل ذلك مع برغيه ..
إذا كان هذان هما عدو كاجويا فالأمر غريب بعض الشيئ .. أو لأنهم شعرو بساسكي يخترق مجالهم ومنفترض أنهم مراقبين لكل شيئ بالتالي أحسو بنوايا عدوانية من كونوها ههه,, وطبعا عليهم بضربة استباقية وأفضل ضربة هي لرأس كونوها وأقوى شخص فيها ..
رد مع اقتباس
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الساعة الآن 11:39 AM.

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