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قديم 08-10-2015, 05:19 PM
Discussing Design Improving Communication and Collaboration through Critique by Adam Connor

Discussing Design: Improving Communication and Collaboration through Critique by Adam Connor

Discussing Design: Improving Communication and Collaboration through Critique by Adam Connor
English | June 28, 2015 | ISBN: 149190240X | 206 Pages | EPUB/MOBI/PDF (True) | 27.77 MB

Real critique has become a lost skill among collaborative teams today. Critique is intended to help teams strengthen their designs, products, and services, rather than be used to assert authority or push agendas under the guise of "feedback." In this practical guide, authors Adam Connor and Aaron Irizarry teach you techniques, tools, and a framework for helping members of your design team give and receive critique.
Using firsthand stories and lessons from prominent figures in the design community, this book examines the good, the bad, and the ugly of feedback. You'll come away with tips, actionable insights, activities, and a cheat sheet for practicing critique as a part of your collaborative process.

This book covers:

Best practices (and anti-patterns) for giving and receiving critique
Cultural aspects that influence your ability to critique constructively
When, how much, and how often to use critique in the creative process
Facilitation techniques for making critiques timely and more effective
Strategies for dealing with difficult people and challenging situations


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