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قسم أخبار و أحوال الأعضاء و نشاطاتهم تبادل أخبار و أحوال الاعضاء و المشرفين فيما بينهم وكل مايستجد في حياتهم و يهتم بنشاطات الاعضاء ومجموعاتهم الخاصه.

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قديم 10-11-2015, 08:31 PM

2 من جمــيلات كونوها
و ملكــة كونوها
و وحــش كونوها
sasuke 00 likes this.
سبحان الله و بحمده، سبحان الله العظيم
قديم 10-11-2015, 11:51 PM
المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة بـالما مشاهدة المشاركة

2 من جمــيلات كونوها
و ملكــة كونوها
و وحــش كونوها
يا حليلهم الاستديو غصب يبون عيناتا جميله مطولين شعرها
و منعمينه بزياده حتى صار انعم من شعر روك لي نفسه :33:
حتى وجهها فيه جل :33:

وشالوا لبسها الحجي ولبسوها لبس عاري و ضيق كل هذا
عشان يخفون قبح عيونها وقبحها بس للاسف < <الشق اكبر من الرقعه >>
قديم 10-12-2015, 01:11 AM
ممموووووووضضووووع خخخخطططططييييييرررررر
كالعادة أنتم مبدعين يافانز الساسوساكو
وثنائينا يستاهل الإبداع هذا
لي رجعة لأن الوقت متأخر الحين ولازم أنام

: بحفظ الرحيم :
- ستفتخر بي يومًا ما ؛ أعدك بذلك
سبحان الله|الحمدلله|لا إله إلا الله|الله أكبر|أستغفرالله وأتوب إليه
قديم 10-12-2015, 01:55 PM
Sasuke has always/only experienced new things with Sakura...For example?...For Example:
First time sasuke blushed at someone flirting with him

First time sasuke worries about someone in his team despite telling himself that he wouldn’t bother with/about them because it was going to waste his time

First time sasuke blushed at someone hugging him because they were worried about him

hehe its your fault sasuke for waiting to make sure she was alright lol even tho you knew yo

First time sasuke “shields” someone from his team

and then it was

First time he is concerned on how one of his teammates is feeling/acting:

First time he feels like cheering up one of his teammates and smiled while/after doing so

First time he relies on one of his teammates abilities(aka Sakura’s intelligence) to “improve” his own skills and is too shy to ask about it

First time someone else’s “fear” made him act&react

First time sasuke gets really pissed/furious at one of his teammates/precious people getting beat up to the point where he wants to “avenge” them

First time someone’s love for him rescues him from darkness

First time only someone can canvince sasuke of anything except revenge

First time sasuke refers to someone as one of his precious/dear people

also first time sasuke actually thinks about someone to die for…with naruto he did shield… but as he said..he wasn't thinking… he just moved to protect him and that happened before sasuke wasnt even thinking about his revenge …but this happened after he told sakura that revenge was his top prority and that was his only reason to live..yet look at him already deciding to die for sakura…”if i end up dying here that means i was at the end of my limits”

First time sasuke orders someone to take care of “someone dear” to him:

First time sasuke realizes how “strongly” someone “in specific” cares about him

First Time sasuke feels jealous because “a smile” is not directed at him but instead at his rival

First time sasuke is scared because he doesnt want to “accidentally” hurt another person

First time it pained him to leave everything behind

First time sasuke “ever” says thank you to someone who loves him and for loving him

he was thanking the person for feeling his lonely existence with emotion called love *crys forever*
First person of former team 7 that sasuke encounters/calls out to

that eye sex tho

First person sasuke talks to/says hi to after he comes back the village and doesn’t ignore

First person sasuke saves after coming back the village

First person sasuke holds “this close” after he came
back to the village(maybe even “only person” sasukes ever held like this):

First time someones words/confession shaken/zffected him

First/only person Sasuke doesn’t want for to get in the way of his figh

Firs time someones love for him made him remember his family

First time sasuke “sincerely” apologizes to someone and looks relieved after knowing his forgiven

First time sasuke reciprocates someones feelings for him

also first time he lets/promises someone to travel with him alone…and first time he ever pokes somon

First time someone gives sasuke back a family and his hapiness

look at him smiling and shit
..SasuSaku.. and ρsүcнσ like this.

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة sasuke 00 ; 10-12-2015 الساعة 02:48 PM
قديم 10-12-2015, 03:13 PM

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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
~ّّّّ♥ ○• ♥my real lonely life♥ •○ّّّّّّّّ~♥`~ّّّّّّّ ♥emma♥ مدونات الأعضاء 360 08-10-2014 07:10 PM
سَـأَتَمَسَّــكْ بـِ|حُلميْ| .. حَتى يَتحقَّقْ .. ♥ْْ♥ْ~Love Live ♥ ☂ يُـورلـيـڤ ْ✿ أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 5 04-28-2014 12:41 PM
مشاركتي بالمسابقة ♥♥I love my mam♥♥ ضحكة ~_~ ألغاز 12 10-26-2013 03:11 PM
لكل عاشقين ♥عائلة ناميزاكى ميناتو♥ . صور أنمي 50 01-17-2013 11:40 PM
♥♥My FrIeNd ♥♥ I loVe yOu نيساو هارتنت موسوعة الصور 113 07-21-2011 10:03 PM

الساعة الآن 11:18 PM.

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